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We all got there just in time before Garmadon activated the weapon, and I could hear the Overlord perfectly clear. He was definitely persuading Garmadon.

I wouldn't have been surprised if he had been manipulating him the entire time. In my opinion the Overlord was the true monster. Lloyd's dad is being completely played and doesn't know what he is doing.

LLOYD: "Father don't!" *yells*

GARMADON: "Lloyd?" *turns around to face us.*

OVERLORD: "What are you doing?! Push that button!" *he hissed*

LUCY: "Leave him alone you lying snake! Garmadon! You don't have to do this!"

OVERLORD: "Shut your mouth you horrible traitorous girl!!" *sneered*

GARMADON: "So the balance has sent my son, my brother, my wife, and my son's little girlfriend to try to stop me?! It looks like my little surprise has kept the ninja busy!"

MISAKO: "Don't do it! If you alter the balance it will allow the Overlord to crossover!"

SENSEI: "The balance will be destroyed and we'll all pay dearly!"

Lloyd and I stood by as this all played out. Hoping that maybe Garmadon will see reason.

OVERLORD: "Don't listen to them! They betrayed you!" *he hissed back.*

LUCY: "Stop feeding Garmadon lies!! If anyone betray's anyone around here it's you!!!" *yells in anger as Lloyd held me back.*

LLOYD: "I don't want to fight you but I will if I have to! This is about more than just us! This is about what is right!" *looks up at his father.*

GARMADON: "Don't you see? I will never do what is right...Evil in my blood can never go away, it has corrupted every ounce of my fiber, it is every bone in my body! I am Lord Garmadon! Destiny took my family from me, and the only way for us to be together, is to turn everything in this world, into my image, then you'll all see what I see, feel what I feel!"

LUCY: "You can still rewrite your destiny!! Please don't listen to him! Please!" *shouts*

MISAKO: "It is not too late-"

GARMADON: "You've made your decision, and I have made mine"

Garmadon began walking to the button.

EVERYONE: "Noooooo!!!!" *yells in horror.*

He did it...he really pressed the button...now my former father and the most greatest evil will be released...

GARMADON: "Warming up?! You could have warned me it had to warm up!" *shouts*

Oh thank god...

LLOYD: "We have to get to the top and shut it off!"

GARMADON: "Stop them!" *orders the entire stone army.*

Lasers were shooting out but Misako started reflecting them back and I was blasting and fighting off the stone warriors.

LUCY & MISAKO: "Go Lloyd!"

As we all cleared a path, Lloyd soon made his way to his father.

GARMADON: "No.." *holds Lloyd back*

The same stone warrior that I've done kicked in the face before held Lloyd back from getting to shut it off.

LUCY: "No Lloyd!!!" *shouts*

Then the weapon was activated and it was launched to Ninjago...

We were too late...

MISAKO: "No!" *eyes widened.*

LLOYD: "We're losing..."

GARMADON: *laughs* "I..Win!!"

GARMADON: "Again! Again!"

Garmadon commanded another missile to be loaded in. The stone warrior still had a hold of Lloyd.

MISAKO: "The balance is shifting"

SENSEI: "Lloyd! You must focus and put a stop to this!!" *shouts*

LUCY: "Let. Him. Go!" *yells angrily while charging at the stone warrior.*

LUCY: "Eat. My. Foot!!!" *shouts while kicking him down making him drop Lloyd.*

Garmadon pulls a lever making us both fall out of the vehicle onto the sand.

GARMADON: "You think you can stop me?!?!" *yells firing another missle.*

SENSEI: "Our greatest fears...."

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