5|The Truth

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I woke up tied to a chair and started looking around. Oh hell no...am I in the Ninja hideout? The last thing I remember trying to do was destroy their base and then...I blacked out.

So who put me here?

All of a sudden, he walked up to me.

I squinted to get a closer look at him, his mask was completely off, revealing himself to me. Idiot.

But...there was something about him. He definitely wasn't ugly...quite the opposite actually.

LUCY: "Ah, The Green ninja, I suppose since I'm here...Do you mind untying me so we can finish this?" *narrows eyes*

LLOYD: *sighs and shakes head* "I don't want to fight you...I just want to talk."

I raise my eyebrow as he starts getting closer to me.

LUCY: "Why would I want to talk to you? I have nothing to say to you." *scoffs*

I expected him to get angry but he actually softened a little.

LLOYD: "Are you sure?...because I think you do. I'm not your enemy...the Ninja are not your enem-"

LUCY: *shouts while trying not to break* "I need to know...did you really kill my mother?!?"

Lloyd was taken aback by the Purple Ninja's outburst. It almost seemed like for a second that she was about to cry.

LLOYD: "No! I didn't, we all didn't. It wasn't us, we would never do something like that...I-"

LUCY: "How can I believe you?! You're probably lying!" *tears up while shouting*

It hurt Lloyd to see her like this. Even though he didn't know her at all it was still heartbreaking.

LLOYD: "Look! I wouldn't lie to you! Ever! I have no reason to lie about this! I don't know what your father told you about us...but you just have to trust me! We would never do something so horrible like that...!"


It had suddenly gotten quiet, and they both hadn't realized how close they were.

LUCY: *hangs head in defeat* "I don't know what to believe...."

LLOYD: *frowns* "Believe me...I wouldn't ever put you through that."

Lucy's eyes were still staring at the floor as they had widened in shock before they slowly narrowed again.

LUCY: *quietly* "You don't even know me..."

LLOYD: "I know that you're a good person...you're just a victim. It's not your fault."

LUCY: *Looks up angry* "Don't tell me what I am. I don't want to be labeled as a victim!"

LLOYD: "He lied to you. He let you believe that we killed your mom, but we didn't. We wouldn't had a reason to, but the Overlord did. He believed that she was too weak and saw her as useless so he killed her. He knew that the Ninja would one day be a threat to him so he told you a lie to turn you against us.."


Oh no...could it be? I didn't want to believe it...he's the only family I got.

But it does also make sense...my mother was just an ordinary woman, and my father never really liked that. As soon as the Ninja became a threat to him he used me to go after them...

No! It must be true....

He is the purest evil after all...even if I am his daughter, it doesn't matter. World Domination will always be his number 1 priority. Beating the Ninja will always be...but not...me.

He never cared about me...I was just a pawn in his stupid plan. He only would call on me for favors, to do his dirty work...I've only been a weapon and I've never saw it before....

It can't be...but it is.

Why did the Green Ninja...have to be the one...to make me see clearly...?

It hurts...

LUCY: *quietly while trying to fight back tears* "..so...how do you know all of this?"

LLOYD: *sighs sadly* "Sensei Wu told me. He knows a lot."

The wise old man. So that's it then...

I'm suppose to face the fact that my own father....as heartless as he is...

LUCY: *Starts crying as her tears hit the floor* "As evil as he was...I didn't think he would do that to me..."

Lloyd felt so bad, but he really did understand how she was feeling. Maybe that's why Sensei...

Lloyd quickly went behind her to untie her as he hugged her tightly as she cried.

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