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LUCY: "Ugh, I lost them! What am I going to tell father? Oh well...I have to report back to him anyways."

I really didn't want to fly back to the Dark Island without completing my mission...but I just gotta prepare for what will come next...

Hopefully he won't be too mad.

As I landed next to the device Garmadon activated; the celestial clock (on the main mountain).

I quickly turned back into my ninja form.

OVERLORD: "Lucy, you're back! Oh wait...You seem a bit frustrated and troubled."

LUCY: "Yes...I'm so sorry, they got-"

OVERLORD: "I admit I expected better of you but you still have a few more chances, take them, and try not to fail me a second time." *speaks clearly*

Yes. A second chance. Better not screw up again.

LUCY: "Yes, father"

Well that went better than I expected.

I then looked down.

LUCY: "What is Garmadon doing with the evil concentrate?" *raises eyebrow*

OVERLORD: "We're going to be using it for our super weapon, Lucy."

LUCY: "Also, what happened to the Serpentine? I thought they were supposed to destroy the city? Guess it failed huh?" *chuckles*

OVERLORD: "Our lovely Stone Army took care of them, which is now led by Garmadon."

Garmadon smiled at me.

LUCY: *smiles back* "Mmm..I suppose he has proved himself."


I was getting a bit bored and decided to leave the mountain to go patrolling and messing around the island. It was at least less lonely now that the Stone Army was back.

I was sitting by the ocean skipping stones while thinking to myself.

It just made my blood boil that Ninjago's heroes actually murdered my mother and they get nothing but praise. They're no heroes...

But...something does feel off. I don't want to question father, but it doesn't make sense that it was only then that I found out they killed her.

Why didn't he ever tell me? Did he think I couldn't handle it?? No...he knew I hated them too...so why?

That Green Ninja...he had that look on his face...

Like he really didn't know what I was talking about.

Whatever...they probably don't even remember what they did. Or anything at all.


My train of thought was suddenly broken by my father's presence.

OVERLORD: "Lucy! Something is wrong!" *yells*

LUCY: "What's happening!?" *gets up and is now alert*

OVERLORD: "I sense the ninja presence, they are on the Island! Find them!" *orders*

LUCY: "Alright! I'm on it!" *runs off*

As I was running around the Island, I came across something peculiar. This must be the Ninja hideout.

LUCY: "I guess the best thing to do is destroy it!" *smirks while holding up a dark purple flame.*

Before I could throw it...everything had went black.

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