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Jungkook smiled as he looked down at Jiyeon who had fallen asleep at her desk. The rest of the kids had  gone so it was only her left. Deciding to take her home he grabbed her backpack and little pink coat.

He made sure to put the coat on her without waking her up. He picked her up and smiled. He had a warm feeling in his chest where is heart was. He felt like her dad. He quickly grabbed a few of the papers he needed to go through from his desk and left the classroom.

Taehyung had just reached the schools front entrance when Jungkook came out.

"There she is! You don't have to carry her I can."

"No it's fine."

Taehyung nodded but took the papers and Jiyeons backpack out of Jungkooks hand.

"I can at least carry these. Thanks."

Taehyung looked down with a small blush on his cheeks. Jungkook chuckled and placed a gentle kiss onto the top of Taehyung head making the boy blush even more.

"I um.. we ugh... Yoongi.. Jiyeon.. eh yeah."

Taehyung hurriedly scurried away. Jungkook laughed and walked after the boy as fast as he could without disturbing Jiyeon.

"Taehyung I have a car. I can drive us."

Taehyung stopped and turned around the blush from earlier still on his cheeks but now a light rose color.

"Y-yeah that'd be great."

Taehyungsat on his bed with a extra pair of clothes for Jungkook. Jiyeon had woken up and insisted she have grape juice. When she went to show Jungkook how much of a big girl she was for being able to pour it into a cup by herself she spilt it on his clothes.

The little girls eyes glossed over as she apologized frantically. Jungkook had assured her it was okay and asked if he could use the shower. Taehyung thought they'd have clothes in the house large enough for Jungkook and his hot muscles. Unfortunately they didn't have any clothes.

Taehyung knocked on the bathroom door and heard the shower turn off. He only had to wait two minutes before the door opened and a wet glistening Jungkook was there. Tattoos Taehyung had never seen before displaying themselves.

"Sorry if I took too long."

"No you didn't. I just wanted to tell you that I looked for clothes. Just none would fit you..."

Jungkook nodded.

"Thanks fine thank you."


Taehyung gulped as he motioned for Jungkook to finish his shower. As soon as the door shut Taehyung jumped onto the bed and curled up into his bed sheets mentally screaming from seeing Jungkook like that.


Might be small smut in next chapter

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