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Jiyeon walked into class with her head down and a frown on her face. When Jungkook asked her if she was okay she just crossed her arms and walked away.

Jungkook didn't know why but when she did that his heart hurt a little bit. It felt like someone stomped on his heart.

Ignoring the pain in his chest he welcomed all the students and began their day.


Jiyeon quietly sat at her desk waiting for ether Taehyung or Yoongi to pick her up. Jungkook guesses it would more likely be Taehyung picking her up today cause Yoongi picks her up as soon as the bell rings.

Ms. Lee walked into the classroom and eyed Jungkook paying no attention to the little girl in the room. Jungkook was sitting at his desk trying to look at the assignment he had them do.

They had to trace over the alphabet and then wrote them on their own. He mentally noted that Jiyeon was the smartest in their class having all of her letters write and legible.

Taehyung did a good job of raising her. He shook his head to get Taehyung out of his head. Then he was suddenly pushed back in his rolling chair and Ms. Lee sat herself on his lap.

"How does this make you feel?"

"Disgusted now please get off I still have a student here."

Ms. Lee glanced at Jiyeon who had put her head on her desk.

"She wouldn't understand."

"Ms.Lee get of-"


Both Ms.Lee and Jungkook looked up when they heard the voice.

There stood both Taehyung and Yoongi. Yoongi glared at Both teachers.

"Sorry to interrupt but we have a kid here. Come on Jiyeon."

Taehyung bit his lip and silently walked over to Jiyeon and helped her put her coat on. Yoongi took Jiyeon into his arms.

"I'd appreciate it if you could keep it in your pants next time."


Taehyung was cut of by Yoongi telling him that they had to go.  Taehyung nodded and walked out after him.


Ms. Lee looked at Jungkook and frowned.

"We what?"

Jungkook ignored her and stood up causing her to fall on her ass.

"I'll be telling our boss about this."

Then he left to do exactly that. He was tired of her. Most of all he hoped Taehyung didn't think she and him were a thing.

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