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"Jiyeon!" Taehyung yelled after the naked soap covered girl.  Jiyeon giggled and put her hand's ether side of her head, crossed her eyes and, stuck her tongue out. "You can't catch me!" Taehyung smiled. "Wanna bet?" Jiyeon screamed as Taehyung ran up to her and caught her. "Got you, you little monster. Now get back in that tub so you can be clean for your first day of school!" Jiyeon giggled and nodded her head running off to the tub. Taehyung helped her finish getting clean before putting her into pajamas. "All finished now we can go to bed!" "Mommy, can I sleep with you tonight?"

Taehyung smiled and picked her up and turning the bathroom light off. "Okay but only tonight." Jiyeon smiled and agreed to the conditions. Taehyung got into bed and Jiyeon immediately cuddled up to him and fell asleep. Taehyung stayed awake though. He wanted the best for her. He couldn't afford the best apartment out there. The apartment looked like it was getting ready to crumble down on itself soon. In fact, he didn't know how he was going to be able to pay for rent this month. Heck, he had barely been able to pay for the whole custody battle for Jiyeon.  Even though he could barely afford food for his own mouth when he took her in. Of course, that meant he had to get another job but it was all worth it.

He was able to put food in both their tummies and sometimes he could buy her little gifts now and then. He was just lucky to have her around. If it weren't for her, he probably wouldn't have been here. He had practically raised her,  and as he did,  she made him see the light in the darkness of the world.

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