I tried to remain as calm as I could and tried to bottle up any angry feelings I felt towards Lucy for the sake of being in a public place. I wished a could be like Jackie sometimes, and just let my emotions go naturally, unlike me she didn't care where she was, or how loud she sounded. She was brave and confident in confrontations, whereas I? Was not.
Lucy stood here in front of me, proudly smirking of her achievement of making me miserable as she could, while Ashely and Vanessa stood beside her. Did they know all along? If they did why we're they still hanging around Lucy? Did they not see what kind of person she truly was? It would only anger me more, if they did, because they claimed to be my friends many times.
"You both knew didn't you?" I didn't even bother focusing my attention on Lucy, who clearly craved for it. But at the two girls who claimed to be my friends. "You knew everything that happened between Lucy and Zayn and you saw how stupid I looked through it all."
"Selena we're sorry." Ashely admitted.
"We tried to tell you but..." Vanessa glanced over at Lucy then focused her attention back at me. "Lucy didn't want us too, she said it was part of her past private life."
"A private life that now involved me." I point at my chest. "What kind of friends are you two?" I question.
"Isn't it obvious? Not yours." Lucy smirked. "Besides they had no business talking to you about something that happened in the past." She brushed it off as normal. "But you sure moved on quickly." She glances over at Adam who sat there not knowing to intervine of not.
"You're a sick sick person." I nodded my head side to side.
"Oh boo hoo Selena." She laughed. "You're still the same stupid girl I first met in the states." She smirked. "How could you still be so dumb."
"I don't know how he could have ever loved you the way he did, you're a horrible person." I nod my head side to side in disappointment.
"Your words don't hurt me." She touches a her hand on her chest. "Everything you say goes in one ear and out of the other." She laughs. "Oh and clearly he still does" She says obviously mentioning Zayn. "Otherwise he wouldn't have slept with me five nights ago." Lucy says proudly. "You were supposed to be my replacement Selena, imagine being the after thought of someone else? It doesn't get any worse than that." She laughs.
I swallow the growing lump of wanting to cry. "One day all this evil you hold in your heart is going to come back to bite you." I tell her.
She rolls her eyes. "We all know you're going to go back running to Zayn because that how much you're  in love with him, even if you try to forget him with....Adam is it?" She glanced over at Adam who cleared his throat and stood up from the booth. "We all know he's got you all lovesick that you'll just end up looking like a fucking idiot running back to him." She laughed.
"Lucy stop it." Vanessa opposed and Ashely nudged her.
Yet she ignored them. "Just remember this though, every moment you spend with him, I'll be deep engrained in his head." She said proudly. "I always have been, I always will be." She warned. "He can tell you no, and all this shit you want to hear, but you and I know the truth." She motions with her finger in the space between our frames.
"Selena...should we go?" Adam encouraged as he stood beside me for support.
"Jackie was right about you." I said to her.
Lucy's eyes widen followed by a smirk. "Jackie? What did he tell you, that they are best friends, buds? Soulmates of a friendship? Oh Selena you have no idea."
"Let's go Adam." I said as I pushed past her and my so called friends, as Adam followed behind me and we made our way out of the dine in.
Zayn's Point of View

I found myself back at the dorm with Levi and when I walked in all I saw was my bed neatly made with my things in place. However, all I could think of was the mayhem that unfollowed here five days ago. While I don't have a clear picture of those events, all I could picture in my head was how distraught Selena was when she found me with Lucy.
Over these five days, I've touch ground with reality and the way I was leading my life, my past mistakes...my past love life, my past in general and come to the conclusion that I was bewitched immensely for ever loving a girl like Lucy. I finally found peace with myself and my mind and heart, that Lucy was and is a thing of the past and there is where she will stay. I didn't love her. Even if some love for her deep in my heart that I thought I still felt for her, somehow still existed. I am glad I have never felt.
Selena was the only one I cared about and the only girl that was on my mind. I planned on getting her back anyway I could, even if I had to used my estranged father to my advantage. I had loved Selena since the first night I saw her at the New Years Party, my true unspoken feelings where there when my skin first touched hers and while she has no clue about it. That I was sure of, and I needed Selena to know it was true as well.
I didn't want to live at the flat, alone. Everything there reminded me that I was all alone and she wasn't there with me. I hadn't seen her in five days, but it seemed like years to me. My thoughts would eat me alive in the silence of the flat complex if I stayed there. My thoughts were consumed by her, and have been more than ever for five straight days now.
I set my duffle bag on the bed and I looked around the room, standing in silence until the door creeks open. I saw Levi was coming in with a back bag over his shoulder. He was distracted by the keys in the doorknob and flashed a smile when he saw me.
"Zayn!" He cheered closing the door behind me. "Mate glad to have you back...." He said eying my duffle bag. "Don't get me wrong, I'm sorry what happened between you and Selena-....how are you holding up? I've been meaning to visit you at the flat but classes got me by the neck, I hadn't got the chance-...." He just rambled on.
"Levi I'm fine." I assured him, even though I knew deep down I wasn't. "Don't worry." I assured him patting on his chest with my hand, not trying to worry the guy.
"I sure hope so." He said. "I'm sorry about Selena man." He apologized. I didn't say anything and only nodded in agreement. "You seem too calm...should I be worried?" He questioned.
"I just....I know I fucked up." I admitted. "I know whatever happened with Lucy and I that night wasn't right, I wasn't think correctly-..." I began explaining.
"No, no, no" He moved his head side to side. "None of this is your fault, I just got back and Jackie told me everything, she nearly beat the fuck out of Chris for spiking the fuck out of your drink." He explained.
"What?" I questioned with confused look on my face.
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I already said to much." He mumbled to himself.
"Levi talk." I urged.
"Literally don't trust me with any secrets because as you can see I can't keep one." He motioned with his finger. "You didn't hear this from me-..."
"Levi." I brought him to reality.
"Ok, ok, ok" He held his hands up in defeat. "Like I said, Jackie suspects that Chris and Lucy had something to do with the mess that occurred there." He pointed at my bed. "All I know is Jackie nearly killed Chris because apparently he was following orders, whatever that means" He scoffs. "And she thinks your drink that I handed you that night, remember?" He points at me and I nod my head. "Was spiked." He finished and my eyes widen.
Now looking back at it, everything makes sense. Lucy approaching Selena that night, leaving me curious with temptation to talk to her and find out. Everything was adding up. That only angered me, it made me angry to the point that I wanted to find Chris and beat him to the pulp.
I couldn't believe this, how far was Lucy going to go to keep Selena and I apart? What was she trying to gain from this? As for Chris, he was her little lap dog, he would do whatever she would say, no doubt about it. They had a history together, it was obvious. Everything fell into place for me. Everything.
"What did Jackie do?" I questioned my best friends defense for my name. "Did she? Punch him or something?" I questioned, I know how angry Jackie could get.
"Jackie?" Levi questioned scratching the back of his neck.
"Yes Levi, Jaqueline, our friend, Jackie." I press impatiently wanting to know more. "Jacqueline Jacobs?"
"Listen Zayn, I don't know if I should tell you this, because this is like a whole other thing, Jacks doesn't anyone to know." He was hesitant. "I don't know...if I should say-..."
"What is it?" I questioned. I know Jackie would lie her way out of things to avoid me from getting involved if it meant I would end up in jail or something. She did it in my whole relationship with Lucy, having zero clue that Lucy was a demon in disguise treating her so poorly. "Levi...please if he touched even strand of her hair I will kill him." I threatened.
"Zayn listen I don't know-..." He opposed.
"Levi tell me, or else I will go and find the truth for myself and things could get worse." I argued. " I promise you." I warned him.
"Fine, fine" He said trying to calm me down. "Like I said Jackie confronted Chris but she really couldn't do anything because he sorta threatened her..." He nearly whispered.
"Threatened her with what?" I questioned.
What could Chris possibly have threatened Jackie with? "See Zayn this is all just becoming a big mess and I don't want to say anything more to avoid such confrontation-..." He said nervously.
"Levi Roberts." I pressed. "I am this close" I motioned with my fingers. "this close to walking out of here and finding out for myself."
He rolled his eyes and sighed frustrated. "You're going to walk out regardless when I tell you." He lifted his shoulders.
"So? What is stopping you?" I questioned.
"Jackie just really doesn't want you to know." He said with a forced smile on his face.
I scoff. "Really? So she told you but she is deciding to keep it for me?" I exclaim. "She's been acting really weird with me lately, it is now or never so tell me." I demanded.
He sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Wherever Jackie is, I just want to let her know that I tried....I really did." He said while I looked at him with desperation for him to tell me as he lifted his head looking at the ceiling and closing his eyes saying some sort of prayer. "So Jackie's fear is that you're not going to tell this well..."
"Take what Levi, take what? To the fucking point please." I motioned with my hands.
"So..." He cleared his throat. "Remember at the frat party I told you Jackie wasn't around because she was recovering from a hangover from the night before?" He explain.
"Yeah, you told me she got shit faced the night before" I nod my head in agreement. "and you had to basically drag her outta there, in which you should've called me."
"Yeah well...I couldn't do it alone because you know how Jackie gets....so I had a little help from Adam and instead of taking her back to her dorm, he ended up taking her home with him because I couldn't-..." He said questionably and my eyes widen.
Oh fuck no.

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