(11) Furqans orphanage

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summersheikh To you this shall be dedicated, sorry for being such a slow updater heheh <3


"I really can't understand mum these days", Ala tells her friend as they set aside their purses and take a seat on the stairs leading to the main building of the orphanage. 

Today's weather is anything but pleasant. The wind makes the tree branches dance and dried leaves make their way to Ala and her friend. The squally weather goes well with Ala's moods, her friend thinks to herself as Ala's scarf loosens once again and she frustratedly fixes it.

Ala is angry and upset at her mother's behavior. Ala has never been the one to hold back her anger, however short-lived it is. She is glaring at thin air, more angry than frustrated with what has happened in this week.

"She's deliberately making me travel to all the places that Furqan visits or has work at. She would do a great job as a secret agent seeing how well she has stalked Furqan this week! Look! That's Furqan's car right there!", she says while pointing at a blue BMW parked outside the small boundary of the orphanage. 

They could only see the roof of the car but Ala is sure it's Furqan's car as she has seen it the four times this week. They haven't seen Furqan yet but Ala is a hundred percent sure they'll run into him soon.

Ala's best friend sighs. She's a petite girl with a golden heart, the kind of a girl that many women love to hate. Too good to be out in this world, will be the definition that fits her best. For her height, Fehmeta has perfect muscle definition. She walks with the confidence of someone much older and is calm and composed in mostly all circumstances. She's flawless in her bone structure and her light brown skin glows however rough her day is.

Fehmeta passes Ala a sandwich, taking another out for herself from the small paper bag inside her black purse. Fehmeta frequently carries lunch for herself and Ala when they are hanging out. It's just something she's used to doing since high school. She was forced into this habit due to her allergies. 

Ala's mother had sent both the girls to the orphanage today with some goodies for the kids. Ayesha did have a habit of providing orphanages and old age homes with necessities from time to time but she got them delivered by one of her sons. It had never been Ala to run such errands for her mother. 

Ayesha just never liked sending her daughter to do delivering jobs, she did take Ala to the orphanage for several visits. Everyone was surprised when Ayesha had assigned this task to Ala this afternoon. 

"Maybe it's just a coincidence, why blame your mum?", Fehmeta says with a shrug. She's unaffected by Ala's hysterics as she is extremely used to her being this way.

"Coincidence?", Ala huffs "You don't just run into the same person more than four times a week at different parts of the city, Fehmeta. That's definitely not something common and cannot considerably be a coincidence", She says with a poker face "Every single time my mum sends me for an errand, he's there!" 

"I feel like a stalker except I am doing nothing of sort... I just wish... like really wish to not see him for a long time now!"

Fehmeta controls her laughter at Ala's rant and tries to bring her to calm down and be sensible "Just talk to your mum about it. I am sure she'll stop whatever you think she's doing if you tell her you're not interested in Furqan."

Ala nods at her friend and gets up instantly "You're right." She says, handing Fehmeta her half eaten sandwich "In fact, I am going to go and do that right away. I'll make a quick call to mum saying I won't stand this and that I know she's deliberately making me work at places where Furqan is present so that I can meet Furqan and build some kind of attachment with him!"

Femeta almost facepalms as she hears Ala. Before she can stop her friend though, Ala walks away from that side of the house and moves towards a small hut shaped building quickly walking inside.

Fehmeta laughs. However used to she is of Ala's immature behaviour, she always gets amused and refreshed by Ala's ways. She decides to wait for her childish friend on the staircase while enjoying her sandwich and letting the wind play with her short frizzy hair.

Ala slams the door of the hut shaped building as she enter its. She is furious and wants nothing but to escape this place before she has to look at Furqan, again. The last thing she wants is for Furpan to think of her as a stalker. 

It's when she is dialing for her mother that her surroundings  comes to her notice. 

There are several shelves in the four wooden rows in front of her and several lockers kept on each of the shelves. From it's exterior the hut seems to be nothing out of the extraordinary but it's inside is misty and almost mysterious. 

The lighting is dim yet everything is visible to the eye. There are four rows of wooden shelves. Each row has several small lockers stacked with names written on it. Forgetting all about her anger and the call, Ala walks inside, curiosity consuming her. 

She examines the beautiful lockers, each having their own existence due to the different ways they are decorated. Some too loud for her taste and the others too sober. She has never seen a room like this in an orphanage. With more than a hundred lockers that are all custom designed. 

She wonders what these lockers hold. 

Maybe just the belongings of the people living here? 

But there were ten times the lockers than people the orphanage accommodates and none is repeated. Ala keeps walking until she sees a key hanging in one of the lockers.

Furqan Mehdi, the locker reads.

She is tempted to open it but she decides to let her temptations die. 

Intruding into someone's privacy seems so wrong. She would have left but a book had caught her eye. Well, anything kept outside the lockers can be looked at. 

The book was kept right above the locker and without thinking she picked the book and examined it. Brown leather covers the book and the book is thick and heavy. She found nothing written on the outside of the book, just a few marks here and there.

Ala decides that having a look inside wouldn't be wrong as the book is lying in a place acessible, almost as if it has no owner. She will just go through it really quick and then leave it here, she decides.

Taking a deep breathe, she opens the book to its first page. 

"Diary: Mine" It read.

She almost laughs at the written text. 

Her curiosity gets the best of her and she fills to the second page.

What she is unaware about is the fact that she's reading Furqan's diary. The same Furqan that she has met more times than she ever wanted to.

Furqan Mehdi

Owner of the locker, once a resident of this orphanage...

"There is no fate worse than that of losing your parents. Perhaps it's God's mercy upon me that I have so less memories of them", It read.


Thank You for reading

Love, Umaima <3 

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