"Beautiful, simply beautiful. Is there anything you can't do?" He asked Jona.

"Sadly yes, I can not dance, I was born with your two left feet." They all laughed, and Elio jumped up grabbing Jona's hand.

"I happen to think your father is a wonderful dancer. Come on just follow me." Elio began to show Jona some dance moves, while the other two watched.

They laughed and played most of the afternoon, by 7 o'clock the lights were hung outside, the tables were set up, the food was prepared and the guests were arriving. Christopher greeted all of the guests as they came into the backyard. Oliver had hired a DJ for the party, knowing everyone would love to dance and wine had been purchased. Oliver, Elio, and David were the only adults other than the DJ at the party and Oliver wasn't even sure if the DJ was considered an adult.

Music surrounded everyone, they were all dancing, laughing and enjoying themselves. Oliver and Elio sat at the outside table watching everyone enjoying themselves.

"Did you ever imagine we would be here, like this?"

"What? Like watching your son dance like a fool?"

"No, just here enjoying our lives together. After Christopher was born and it was probably one of the first nights after we brought him home. I wished you were there with me, celebrate in the bliss of my happiness. Anytime anything great happened in my life, I would close my eyes and wish for you to be there. But now all I have to do is look to my right, and hold out my hand and you are there. There's no more wishing, I get to share happy moments like this with you. I'm the happiest person in the world right now." Oliver squeezed Elio's hand.

"I may have you beat on the happiness scale because Christopher called me papa today after we gave him the tickets."

"Is that why you were holding back tears?"

Elio nodded. Oliver leaned over and kissed Elio, they both tried to hold back the tears with no avail.

Looking out on the dance floor with their tear glazed eyes they watch as Christopher and Valentina dance, so carefree.

"I thought about you the entire time I was gone and can I tell you a secret?" Valentina asked.

"Yes, you can tell me, I promise I won't tell a soul." Christopher said making an x over his heart.

Valentina leaned in pressing her body against his, whispering into his ear.

"I touched myself thinking of you."

Christopher's body responded the way any 17-year-old boys body would respond, as she slid her hand down the front of his jeans. Christopher didn't know what to do, he liked it, god did he like it but everyone that he knew was standing so close did anyone see? She soon pulled away but still staying close enough to disclose what Christopher was trying to hide.

Jona had disappeared soon after the party had started with Marta, one of the girls that had kissed him. They sat in the dark of the guest house, kissing, it's all Jona had the courage to do at this point in his 15 years of existence. He had told her that, all he wanted was to kiss her and to talk. Christopher had told him about sex when their parents had told him about the birds and the bees. They were brothers they kept no secrets from each other.

Christopher walked into the house heading toward the kitchen, he needed to take a break from Valentina. She had managed to keep him up so to speak through several songs. He walked into the dark kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks when he heard moaning. He hadn't made it in through the doorway, his eye's tried to focus to see who was in the kitchen, he caught the glimpse of a light blue shirt. Then he recognized the face with the head tilted back, it was David. Christopher watches as David was receiving a blow job from some blonde headed guy. He saw David run his fingers through the guy's hair. Christopher stood very still, not moving. Davids brow was furrowed and he was sucking in air through his teeth. Christopher grew harder watching this all play out in front of him. David looked down at the man in front of him on his knees and made eye contact with Christopher. David's expression of pleasure didn't change when they made eye contact, Christopher wasn't even sure David realized that Christopher was in the room. His eyes were glazed over and his breathing grew heavy. Christopher noticed Davids grip grew tighter on the man's shoulders.

"I'm gonna cum." David softly groaned out, but Christopher knew David wasn't speaking to the man, he was telling Christopher. David's face quickly changed and he could see the pleasure taking over Davids face, his body, and his soul. David still kept eye contact with him while his body twitched as the aftermath of his orgasm was coming down. Christopher swallowed, realizing he had moved closer to the kitchen and was practically leaning on the kitchen island. David was on the other side, he didn't realize that he had moved. Christopher slowly backed out before either of the men came down from their pleasure high.

He quickly found Valentina in the crowd of people. He found her dancing with her brother, bouncing around to the music. Christopher came up behind her and whispered into her ear.

"Come on let's find someplace quiet." He suggested and she grabbed his hand as he leads them to the lake. Running past the lake there was a tight row of trees that turned into a quick drop. They would be shielded from everyone, they could barely hear the music coming from the party.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked he nodded a goofy smile on his face.

"I want this very much." The laid on the grass and began kissing, hands moving to places they had never been before. Christopher was touching a bare breast for the first time, someone was touching his naked skin. Christopher managed to get his jeans pulled down and Valentina had not worn panties like she promised, she rolled on the condom. This was it, Christopher was about to embark on something completely new. He knew she wasn't a virgin, she had told him so he knew he didn't have to worry about hurting her, she said. While he was inside of her, the images of what he had witnessed in the kitchen flooded his head. His desire motivated him with quick and hard movements that made Valentina clamp her hand over her mouth. His body grew warm all over and his breathing hitched. His release was amazing, he kissed her as his breathing fell back into a steady rhythm. They laid there for a moment looking at each other, softly running their fingers over flesh.

"We better get back before they start looking for us." She said, getting up and smoothing her skirt down. Christopher buttoned his pants and put the condom in his pocket, he would have to remember to flush it. They walked back to the party hand in hand.

The party went on until 2 in the morning, they brought in the food and drinks and left the rest for when they woke up. Jona had asked to spend the night with his friend Matteo, they were going to the movies in the afternoon. Christopher walked into his bathroom stripping off his clothes, he remembered the condom in his pocket. Fishing it out he quickly flushed it, turning on the shower he relished in the hot water. He knew he had been in there for too long when his fingers began to prune. It was hot in the house tonight he might sleep with the windows open and naked, Jona wasn't home so it was very tempting. Christopher pulled on his shorts, brushed his hair and teeth, walking out into a dark room. He was exhausted from the night. He laid on top of his covers almost asleep when he heard a light tapping on his door.

"Come in." He said half asleep. The door opened and they walked quietly into the room, he opened one eye to see which parent it was, but it was no parent at all. It was David.

"Can we talk?"

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now