side by side with Jiraiya part 2

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Nagato disappeared so Jiraiya created a barrier. Suddenly a dog came at us. The toad leapt up and so did I. The toad trapped the dog gain praise from Jiraiya. But the dog split up into more dogs.

The went to attack Jiraiya and I stabbed multiple with more ice pillars but only more formed. The all came at the toad and Jiraiya and I knew they wouldn't be able to block them. I jumped next to Jiraiya and brought my hands together forming an ice barrier that blocked the dogs and forced them back.

I lower the barrier and jumped off the toad and attacked more of the dogs but the kept sliding apart. They kept up to the top where the sun hit them and I followed them.

"Every time we got strike them they multiply. The only way to stop this is by taking out the summoner." I spoke. 

"But we don't know where he is." Jiraiya said.

"I can find him by hear signatures but it will take a bit of time. So while I do this you have to hold them off." I explained.

The both nodded and led the dogs into an enclosed space. I closed my eyes and began feeling the temperature around me. I focused but couldn't find his body temperature.

A growl escaped my mouth and I doomed open my eyes. Jiraiya soon showed up after defeating the dogs but a huge ass bird came flying towards them. My eyes went wide and I jumped in front of them creating an ice wall that was smashed after a few seconds and I was thrown against a was.

I walked as the bird went after Jiraiya who was now alone. It dropped bombs but before the could explode I got behind Jiraiya and created another ice wall blocking them letting Jiraiya escape, however, there was one behind me and it went off and sent me flying into a wall and my shoulder ended up dislocating.

A hiss of pain escaped my mouth but I pushed it aside. I reloaded my shoulder which hurt like hell but I've been through worse. Jiraiya ran into a tunnel and when he got out the other side the bird attacked him but thankfully it was just a clone and Jiraiya beta the bird. However, a rhino was soon summoned. I hid with Jiraiya by some Ruble.

"Did you find where he was?" Jiraiya asked.

"No, I can't find his body heat. It's like it's none existent." I mumbled in thought.

"Well, I'm almost done summoning the two saves. Just a little more time." Jiraiya reassured.

"Don't worry I've got your back Jiraiya." I said with confidence.

The toad ran after us and it was extremely fast. I managed to get out of the way but not Jiraiya. I prepared to do a jutsu but the rhino was stopped by the giant toad. I jumped next to Jiraiya again as I tried to catch my breath. As I stood there something seen to hit me. Why is he only using summonings? I'm sure he knows other attacks I mean he was Jiraiya's student.

My eyes went wide as a huge ass bull was summoned. It knocked me away and I smashed into the groin and my shoulder was once again dislocated. I watched as it attacked Jiraiya and the toad disappeared. I tried to get up nit there was a huge explosion and the bull was defeated. Shocking me.

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