Chapter 1

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Ugh. I want a guy friend. Is it sad my New Year's resolution is to be more social..find a guy friend?

"Sara, don't be so down.." My best friend, Maya, tells me," you have Henry.."

"I guess," I shrug. "But he's too much of a brother to me.."

"You too, sis," Henry giggles.

"Only I can call her sis," Maya defensively says, looking back at me. (A/N: gmw ref;)if anyone got it;))

"I'm not saying that Henry's's just that, Idek," I shrug and sigh n defeat.

"Aww, don't worry, sis. I heard there's a new kid," Maya smirks. "Maybe he'll be the one.."

"The one," Henry emphasizes.

I sigh, rolling my eyes," At this point..I'm desperate."

Maya pats me on the back, as Henry gives me a hopeful look.


"First period...Spanish, fun," I roll my eyes.

"I actually think I got the hang of conjugating," Maya nods.

"It's actually not that hard, once you think about it," Henry adds.

"I know, it's just boring," I roll my eyes," the only reason..I take it.."

"Is so one day you can talk to Alex in spanish," Maya finishes, as I smile sheepishly.

"And the thing is..he's in the same grade as there won't really be any age gap," I add.

"And you called all boys trashy," Henry reminds me.

"It's true..for some people," I tell Henry honestly.


"Today, class, we will loosen up a little bit..we just came back from New Years and Christmas," Mrs. Green starts," so today, we'll just Spanish Pictionary.."

I smile at Maya, she smiles back, and Henry joins in our smile fest.

"So let's get started..who wants to start?" I ask the two, as I grab my expo marker and whiteboard from desk, as we all sit on the floor.

They both shrug in unison.

"I'll go.." I spat, as I scribble a water bottle on page.

"Scribbles on a page, they call it magic. Makes me wanna be what you imagine," Maya giggles, as I develop a smile.

"And they call me the crazy carpenter," I joke.

"Um, is it a botella de agua?" Henry answers correctly.

"Ugh, now I want water," I sigh.

"Don't you have a water bottle?" Maya laughs.

"I wish," as I chuckle," next time, I gotta be more prepared.."

"This is what you get for being half asleep in all your classes, SIS," Henry teases, as Maya playfully hits him.

I raise my left index finger, signaling I wanna go get water, Mrs. Green nods.

"But sis," Henry calls me, I turn around to face him and Maya," who's going first?"

I shrug and point to Maya.

She smirks, as he sighs, annoyed.

I walk out the door with my hall pass.

Hopefully today will be better than yesterday..I doubt it 'cause it's Monday..

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