Nine: Smoke detector

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Folks, I was travelling with my family!
That was my first international flight from my country!

Well, getting to the point... I was sitting bored in the hotel room and somehow one conversation lead to another, and I got to know smoke detector detects carbon dioxide.

You know what carbon dioxide is, right?

If not, I can tell you. There's this science thing we call as respiration. Basically, you take the breath in, and you let the breath out. In scientific words, we inhale oxygen and we exhale carbon dioxide.

And carbon dioxide (CO2), is formed after combustion (when something burns in flame)

Like people's hearts when they see someone doing better than them.

ANY WAYS! Smoke detector detects carbon dioxide and then it goes all bleep bleep.

So I made a lame thing.

To tease the staff downstairs, we could stop our breathing and exhale right infront of the smoke detector.

Its gonna start blinking and the staff would rush inside and we'd laugh and tell them that we were just breathing.


That was lamely lame.

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