Six: Ferrous Oxide for Iron

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I was talking to my friend at college about how skinny we both are. She said that she has deficiency of meat in a joking manner. Then I realised my brother told me that I lack of sufficient iron level in my body.

Me: "Dude, you know what, I have a deficiency of certain level of iron."

Her: "Yeah? Why?"

Me: "I don't know!"

Her: "Then eat food which could boost up your iron level."

Me: "Hahaha. No. I think... I think I should eat iron. Or Ferrous Oxide."

Her: "Are you crazy?"

Me: "No! Ferrous Oxide is in powder form. I could mix it up in milk and drink it!"

Her: "Girl, you need sleep."

We both laughed and I actually took us both to the chemistry lab teacher and asked her.

Me: "Ma'am, do you know in what state ferrous oxide is present?"

Teacher: "I think its in a powder form."

Me: (looking at my friend) "See, I could totally mix it up in milk and drink."

Teacher: "Wait, what do you mean?"

My friend: "Ma'am, she said she lacks a certain amount of iron in her body. So she's planning to mix up powdered Ferrous Oxide and drink it up."

My teacher stared at me in disbelief.

Teacher: "I guess. I mean, try it. It could be an example if you die afterwards. Or it could be an experiment if it doesn't harm anything."

That's my teacher everyone!


Huge thanks to my college friend Aisha Shafi and my chemistry teacher Miss Aylia for this lame ass chapter 😅

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