Eight: Water park; water fantasy

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I went to a water park yesterday. And this stupid thought came to my mind which was so lame that even Mr. Bean would've been ashamed.

This is what happened.

I was gazing around the water park in admiration and it was a very beautiful sight to see. There were different types of swimming pools, deep and shallow. There were different types of water slides, too. High and low, white coloured and colourful, wide and narrow, fast and slow... Basically the whole atmosphere was soothing. Palm trees were everywhere, and there was an enormous garden too! There was this pool called; The Wave Pool. Where the area was walled on one side and the other side was opened, like a sea shore. And the walled side had some machines or I don't know what it was, but those machines were making huge waves and it almost felt like you're on an ocean seashore. The water was warm, just like an ocean or sea in the summer season. It was purely fun, you guys.

But the lame part of this chapter? Here it comes.

I noticed water everywhere. Like, duh. Its a waterpark, of course there would be water everywhere... But the pool. You get what I'm saying? It was so much blue like the sky! And I was wondering that if the World War III would happen over water, we could always....

Me: "Hey sis! You know what I'm thinking right now?"

Her: "Probably something for your books on wattpad?"

Me: "Yeah. But its kinda lame."

Her: "Of course. You and your stupid lame-ass thoughts."

I laughed.

Me: "Okay, okay. I was thinking that if World War III would happen, it'll happen over the water... Like, the fight would be over water... So, we could always come here and drink how much we'd like!"

She glared at me emotionally.

Her: "Dude!"

Me: *Getting excited* - "Yeah?"

Her: "That's freaking... Lame!"

Me: "I know right?! I could put it in my lame book!"

Also Me: "Oh! And when zombie apocalypse happen and they contaminate the whole sea, we could also come in this water park and drink water! This water park is so useful!"

My sister was laughing hysterically at my lame thoughts and I just swam further away from her, to think of how to put this into words in my Lame-ass book.

And now, there we go.

Lame, Stupid But Yet True. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat