Old Story

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"Piss off thee jackass!! Thee has't nay lodging in these lands! Beest gone bef're thee regreteth thy choice!" The man yelled at the oncoming attacker. 

"I hath said beest gone bef're I killeth thee!!" The man yelled again as he loaded his flintlock pistol. 

"Lasteth warning, turneth 'round bef're I fireth upon thee!" The man yelled as he took aim.

"Taketh anoth'r grise and I shall fire!" He yelled, before pulling the trigger.

The hammer of the gun clapped down on the flint rock, sparks flew and the gunpowder within the barrel of the gun burst into flames, the lead ball shot out of the barrel and within a millisecond and shot the attacker in the chest. The big man who was shot directly in the center of his chest fell to his knees and dropped the iron axe he was gripping tightly. He moans in pain and coughed. 

"I did warn thee of this!" The man yelled down, but to his astonishment the big 6'10" man holding iron axe stood up again and looked up. 

"I shall fireth anoth'r did shoot! Backeth off!" the man yelled in fear while quickly loading the pistol. The man with the axe was no less than 5 feet away, he raised his axe to swing but the man fired another shot into the axe wielding man's head. The big man fell over, and all he did was shake his head off and then stand up and chopp the poor fool to pieces.  

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