Camping for Survival

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I was with two friends, Dave and Mike. They were both pretty fun to be around, the only difference in attitude being that when you have to be serious Dave will get SUPER serious and Mike will make a joke out of pretty much anything. We went on this cross country, hike-drive-and drink trip over the summer of 2015. We planned to start in our home state, Maine, and drive all the way to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington, and then south to California, and back to the East Coast, all while stopping in new places everyday. It was a well thought out trip with a solid plan. So here we start, leaving Maine, just 3 dumb 26 year olds. None of the story matters, up until about the point where things got weird. We made it to Michigan, and we decided to camp in the Porcupine mountains for a night or two, it was a very beautiful area.                                  We set up camp and started a fire for the night, cracked open a few cold ones, and sat back and relaxed. We had camped out a lot farther into the forest than the designated campsites were, so we had more peace and quiet in nature. 

We sat up until around three in the morning, drunk as can be and telling stories that weren't even that funny but we still nearly pissed ourselves laughing. This is when things got weird, we could hear sheffeling from the forest , but it was unsettling to hear how fast it was going. We all stood up and I think we immediately sobered up because we were so scared. 

"H- Hello?" said Dave, scared as sh-t. 

"Is anybody out there?" he called again, but there was no response, and the shuffling in the leaves came to a sudden halt. We didn't hear it again, for that night at least. We decided it was rather late and we went to bed. Mike was laughing his ass off and making fun of Dave for how scared he sounded. That kinda pissed me off cause I knew we were all still scared, even in the tent. I never realized just how defenseless we were out here, we camped way out of where anybody thought we'd be, we had no gun, no weapons, not even bear spray for when we got to the rockies. All of this rushed through my mind up until I finally drifted to sleep at four. 

"Mother Son of a C-nt!!!" I heard Mike yell, which woke me up. I sprung up and ran outside to see our campsite ripped apart. 

"I think some c-ck of a bear got into our stuff!" he screamed to me, even though I was five feet away from him. I looked around, I had doubts that this was a bear because there was no food gone, everything had just been thrown around and broken. 

"Do you think somebody did this? Like a person?" I asked Mike and Dave crawled out of the tent looking tired. 

"Why in god's name would somebody just destroy our camp for no good reason at all, in the middle of the night?" Mike asked me, I'd never seen him so pissed or so serious. 

"I have no clue, maybe because we're not camped in an designated area?" I said

"This ruins everything!" Mike yelled. 

We spend an hour cleaning up and throwing out all the broken stuff, and salvaging what we could. After that we marked a few trees with some bright orange plastic bands so we could find the camp again. We went out to a crappy looking cafe for breakfast, and then we hiked and explored the park all day. We went and got some got some dinner and some more alcohol, and went back to camp. We started a fire, and started to drink. By around midnight we heard scratching coming from trees, and this weird grunting noise. 

This was scary, the noises were less than 20 yards away but we couldn't see a thing in the trees. This was so scary that Mike was even 100% serious. The noises stopped, and next thing we know somebody or something was emerging from the tree line. It looked like a tall man, very tall and very skinny, the fire was low so we didn't see any other details, but how slow it was walking made me so uncomfortable. 

"HEY! THAT IS FAR ENOUGH" I yelled at it. It just kept slowly moving towards us.


"BACK THE FU----" Mike started to get out but he choked when it came close enough into the light to see the details of it. This thing, it looked like a person but its skin was bone tight and unbelievably pale. Its teeth were broken and sharp and its nose was gone and its eyes were cloudy. The thing had to have been at least 7 feet tall but no more than 180 pounds. It looked like a zombie, but it was more than your average walking dead, it was an absloute monster. 

It was grawling at us, and it just kept on walking towards us, Mike threw a rock at it, and it got smacked in the head really hard, like, to the point where the tight skin split open, but the blood came out so slow. The thing became pissed, and screached. The tree of us ran to the car and jumped in, we barely made it in there before the thing started to pound on the glass and yell an unsettling yell. Dave threw the car into drive and we sped through the night so fast. The next morning we admitted to the ranger that we camped in the forrest and not at a campsite, he was mad but he sighed, and had this expresion like it wasn't the first time that had happened. 

"I'll escort you out there to retrieve your stuff, the three of you never speak of this to anybody and I wont fine your asses for illigally camping in the park." The ranger said

He escorted us out and we got our things and packed up our car, and then left the park. 

Never in my life will I ever go back to the Porcupine Mountains.. Ever.  

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