The Hunt

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I haven't liked hunting ever for a few winters.

My son Ben who is twenty four and I went out for bow season a four Decembers ago.

We were ready with our hunting and snow gear, such as snowshoes, cause we planned on going out into a more secluded area of the forest.

We drove for three hours north, parked our truck at our hunting cabin and then walked an other hour.

Ben and I finally got to our deer stand then took out our ice pics and climbed up into it.

After a two hour wait of drinking cold coffee in a tree.
I spotted a deer about 45 yards away.

I pulled back my drawstring and waited a moment.
When you're about to take a shot that will kill something everything around you sorta goes in slow-motion.

I took a breath and let go of the draw string firing an arrow straight into the deers cheat.

It ran off, so we had to track it by following the blood trail that seemed like it went on forever.

After a mile or two we came across the end of the trail.
The deer carcass was laying there.
I pull out my arrow and set down the plastic sled.

Ben and I picked up the deer and set it on the sled.

I look up to see three more deer in a meadow up ahead.

I push Ben a little to let him know.

"We need to get this deer back into the cabin first." Ben told me.

"Okay, your loss of a deer." I said.

The deer ran almost towards the cabin so we didn't have to go far, once we got there we out gutted and skinned the deer.
Then hung it as high as we could.

We went back out, and waited at least three hours before seeing another deer.

Ben fried at it and hit it in the stomach, again, it ran.
We tracked it until dark, where we also lost the trail.
Then gave up, and went in.

We ate venison burgers for dinner that night.
We sat by the fire place and talked and listened to the radio,

"Be expecting a few inches of snow tonight along with a low of negative thirty six!" The radio said.

"We better bundle up warm."
Ben said.

"Yeah. It's gonna get cold out there." I say

That night we went into our separate rooms and had covered with extra blankets.

The next morning all the windows in the cabin looked frosted, it was cold and it had snowed almost five inches.

We went out to our spot at around eight and had absolutely no luck, so we decided to walk around.

About twenty minutes later we came across two deer, just standing there motionless.

Ben and I both pulled back our draw strings.

We hit the deer spot on.
They didn't move.

We walked up to them with our hunting knifes out.

When we got there, they were frozen, they must have froze to death while standing up.

We pulled our arrows out of the deersicles and kept on walking.

We got to a gully and stopped for a moment.
It was warmer down here.
I looked at my watch and it read eleven.
We followed the gully down for about a mile.

At some point we found a little ice cave.
Ben and I walked in.
As we looked around it was only a horror house.
There was blood everywhere.

"Maybe this is, like, a bear den." Ben said

"I don't think so." I told him as I pointed to the collection of rifles, bones, and knifes that looked as if they were organized.

Creeped out we left, we wanted to leave this forest now.

We continued walking down the gully.
I then spotted something.
An other dead deer, but, this was one was different.
It's guts and skin were ripped up but its ribs and spine were still in place.
It's eyes were ripped up and it was cut up with chunks of flesh missing in places.

"My god." Ben said as he took a step back.
I looked down to see one of our arrows in the deer.
This is the deer that Ben shot the night before.
There is NO way that this could have decomposed over night, especially since it froze.

"Okay, we're leaving" I told Ben

We fast walked up the gully, and only about a mile away from our cabin we heard
two gun shots followed by a scream right on the top of the gully.
The most loud, blood curdling scream I've ever heard.
I told Ben to stay down in the gully as I went to investigate.
I took out my ice pic and slowly climbed you.

What I saw is engraved into my mind to this day.
I saw the body of a person, being ripped to shreds by, this thing.
This demon, it had a long face and horns, but looked just like a person.
It ripped pieces of flesh off of the poor guy and ate them raw.

"What the fuck." I said under my breath, horrified.

I drew back my draw string on my bow, I was about to shoot it when the guy looked me dead in the eyes, and yelled

"It won't die! It won't bleed! Get out of here!"

The guy pointed his pistol straight at the things face and fired it, but nothing even happened.
The man put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger.

I pried the ice pic out of the gully side and dropped twenty feet.
I told Ben to run.
We sprinted to the car and got in.
We left as fast as we could, leaving our stuff in the cabin without a care.

I will never get that scene out of my head.
I'm just so glad Ben didn't have to see it.

I reported it to the police and I haven't heard anything about it.
I haven't gone hunting since.

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