Chapter 25

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(JAI'S POV for the first time ever zomggg)

I open the door with my key as quietly as I can, step in, close it slowly behind me and slide down to the floor, my back against the door. I lean my head against the door post, close my eyes and smile. Tonight was beyond indescribable.

When Ariana picked me up, I had no idea what the evening was about to form into. With good intentions, I had just packed a picnic basket with some foods I knew she liked and spontaneously grabbed my guitar. And I'm gonna admit, I also did a bit of shopping and tried something new with my style. I hope she was impressed. I just faced my fate hoping for the best.

But from the moment I pulled her up on that rock next to me and the way she looked longingly at the horizon, the colors reflecting back in her eyes, I knew I could keep my hands off her no longer. Or to be exact, lips off hers. She's the only one who can make me feel safe, loved, and important. All of my few previous relationships have been based on mostly the girl trying to get something out of it and me playing along because you know, I was young, stupid and desperate. Ariana really is my savior. From myself.

In short, tonight was a blur. I still have to think it through carefully to see if I remember everything correctly. Then when it hits me, all I can think is, wow, man, she's really mine.

I’m so in thought that I don’t even notice my twin coming down the stairs. He shuffles into the kitchen, opens the fridge door with a squeak and starts heading to our room again, but having sighted me, comes over and nudges me with his toe. “Oi, you alive or what?”

I lift my head and half-smile up at him. “More than ever.”

He starts tapping his foot impatiently. “Where were you even? At some beach party, deciding on your outfit? Remember, we had a deal - if you get laid for the first time, you’ll immediately get me a hot chick too...”

I grin, but don't get mad. You just can't undo Luke's mind. "Not exactly. Something better." The expression on my brother's face only reads that he couldn't think of a better thing than that. Then I just blurt out, "I finally got my girl, man."

It takes a few moments for Luke to understand what I mean, but when he finally does, he clumps his hands over his mouth and mumbles, "No way, bro." Luke is the only one who knew how much Ariana meant to me, but I had no idea he still remembered. He comes and sits next to me, back against the door and offers me his drink. I take a sip gratefully. After a while he says, "It's crazy what's going on with you. I haven't seen you this happy since like, ever. I know that your relationship will bring a lot of complications to our career, but I think you can work it out. I'll help you tell mom or other guys if you'd like me to-"

"Tell me what?" a woman voice asks, amused. We snap our heads up and surprise-surprise, there stands our lovely mother, in heels and a delicate dinner dress. "Mom!" Luke protests, looking at me and then at her. "I didn't know you were gonna be back so soon."

"Well, neither did I, but as you know Jaidon here had decided to run off God knows where and I got worried. I came in through the back door because I'd forgotten my keys." We can see her hazy figure cock out a hip and fold her arms over her chest. "Now if I may ask, Jai, where the hell were you?" But her voice isn't angry at all, rather joyful. What is going on?

I look at Luke before answering, who gives me the come-on-what-do-you-have-to-lose eyebrows. "I was with Ariana, mum."

My mom's expression changes to something I never seen before. "Luke, darling, please, up to your room," she announces and points to the stairs with her finger. Luke shrugs at me and bounces off, but my face fills with fear. Why is she acting like this? 

Mom walks over to me and to my surprise, plops down next to me with her silk dress and shoes that probably cost quarter of her monthly income. I don't even dare to breathe. After a few moments, she smiles and mumbles, "I knew it."


She turns to face me. "I had a feeling about you two. How long has this been going on?"

I can feel my cheeks turning red. "Well, basically since tonight."

She takes my hand into hers and lifts it to kiss it. I'm confused. "You aren't mad?"

Mom chuckles. "My boy, never be mad because of love. Crazy, yes, but not angry. It hasn't been measured to us equally. You never know how much is granted for you." There's a tear in the corner of her eye. "I think the main question is whether you feel something true towards her. Anything else is secondary. She won't lose her job, she's the perfect person for it. I'm giving you full trust in it."

I hug mom and grip her shoulder, staying quiet for quite a few seconds until I can't keep it in any longer. "I think I'm in love with her," I whisper.

I can hear mom snort. "In that case, son, you're screwed. Women are one weird species." But then she grips my shoulder back and whispers, "I'm glad to know that. Look at the man you've grown into, Jai."

Hey sweetcheeks! <3 

Oh. My. God. Yes. 
Now that was probably the worst "long time no see" in the entire fanfic history. And I'm sorry. I really am. I know I say it  A TON, but it seriously was killing me - I just had school and school and SCHOOOOL and other aspects of my life in the way. I try to keep everything Internet based on a slightly secondary level, just because I don't want my real life to get caught up in it, you get me :) And I know this chapter wasn't exactly the best either, but now that my summer vacation has started I promised myself I'd finish it. I will pull through, and I will finish writing this story. No matter what it takes. 

Now on a slightly different note, "the thing" which was in the way of me uploading earlier (as I answered to some of your questions) is this:
My friend, an incredible singer, is taking part of a competition a local music bar is holding. She's made it to the semi-finals and if she gets more votes, or likes on her picture in this case, she might get the chance to travel to America for free. 
So what I'm asking you is this: please click on the link below, and "like" the picture. Simple as that. I'm not asking you to share it (I just know it won't have any effect really haa :C), just a simple like from you. Out of all the likers, I WILL CHOOSE SOMEONE TO APPEAR AS A NEW CHARACTER IN MY FUTURE CHAPTER(S). I know she's far behind of all the other competitors, that's where you guys come in. After you've left a like, I want you to comment below your Facebook name, so I can check for any possible cheaters. 


You've got until 14th of June to vote!!!

But I guess that's that folks, think about this great offer, you'll be missing out if you don't enter! :) On the sidebar this time I'll leave you a video of her, Karolin, singing. So you can watch it over and see yourself.

Until the next time! 
Adieau loves

Saskia x

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