Chapter 2

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When I arrive home, mom is making dinner in the kitchen and dad's watching TV in the lounge. I say a quick 'hi' and go upstairs to take a shower. 

On the way to my room - the very last door on the left at the end of the corridor - I pass Frankie's room, still stuffed with huge cardboard boxes, even though we've been living here for a month now. He's the reason why my family moved to Australia - the doctors suggested him the new rehabilitation center, here in Melbourne.

Yup, he's a junkie. 

But I'm glad we moved, since after Ryan dumping me and getting thrown out of Nickelodeon my life hasn't been the greatest. I guess I'm just hoping to start fresh and turn a new page in my life. Well... This far nothing has happened. 

I walk into my bathroom, undress and turn the water tap on the coldest possible. Don't ask, I love doing that sometimes! Especially when it's warm outside like it's now. One thing I'll probably never get used to are the seasons here - summer is cold and winter is warm, like what the hell? 

I step out of the shower and dry myself with my baby pink fuzzy towel, wrap it around my body and walk in my room to pick out my outfit. I put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a hot pink tank top and tie a pink bandana around my head. I decide to leave my flaming red hair in its natural curls and only apply my favorite grapefruit-flavored lipgloss, since there's no need for a serious make-up, I am going to stay at home anyways. 

 I know-I know it's Friday and I should be out with my friends, partying hard and getting wasted - I'm officially a grown-up y'know - but I guess I've never been that type of person. I haven't made any friends here yet and my old ones kind of turned against me and not even Lola has bothered to call. Not that I care much anyway. 

After I've had spaghetti tacos for dinner (which happen to be Nickelodeon's trademark food in the canteen on the set=emotions) I go back to my room and grab my iPad under my bed. I log onto Twitter and check my mentions and follow a few fans. 

Even though everyone knows about my dramatic leaving from Nickelodeon, my fans have stuck with me through thick and thin. Of course there's no success without a bit of struggle - the haters - but seriously, I couldn't ask for better supporters. 

I see that a fan has sent me a photo of a 16-year old girl smiling up to the camera. She has her arms stretched out and I see that she has a phrase 'Put Your Hearts Up' - the title of my song actually - tattooed on her wrist. And sadly, I can make out long thin scars on her left arm. I wipe a tear and retweet the picture with a message: 'I hope you have any idea how much this means to me. <3 You're too beautiful darling, don't let anyone or anything prove you otherwise. #blessed to have you all as my family.' 

After scrolling through a few more tweets I come across one where a person asks me to watch something on YouTube. I'm about to scroll on since usually I'm too lazy to open some random links, but right now it's not like I have something better to do with my evening anyways. The link opens in a new tab and it's a video of something, or I guess someone called the Janoskians. The title of the video is 'Awkward Vocal Situations'. I make myself more comfortable by plopping down onto my elbows and start watching. 

OMG, these guys are so hilarious! I'm midway through watching it, laughing like an idiot, tears in the corners of my eyes when mom sticks her head through the door.

"Honey, it's half past eleven, shouldn't you go to sleep? You can't be tired tomorrow morning! Your first business meeting is exactly 10 PM!"

Somehow I manage to stop grinning and say like a little kid, "Ten more minutes mommy! I just need to watch this video and then I promise, I'll go to sleep."

My mom looks down at me, sighs, smiles and says, "What do I have to do with you? You sure know how to be seducing. Ten minutes it is." And with that she shuts the door. 

As you know, these kind of promises are NEVER for keeping. After that video I click on another, and another, and another. Slowly I start to recognize them, like which one is which and after a while I start to memorize their names. Now, my memory is really bad, but if I got it correct: the sort of alfa-male of the group, tall fit guy is called Beau, the one with many facial piercings and a dark brown fringe is Daniel, or as the others call him, Skip, then there's a guy who's kind of stout but seems really sweet called James and twins with cute haircuts and melted chocolate colored eyes called Jai and Luke and I think they're Beau's younger brothers. 

As I said I've got a terrible memory so I can't tell them apart just yet. But something about Beau, Jai and Luke makes me wonder. Have I ever met them? Skip looks familiar too. Wait... They do have Aussie accents and the videos are filmed in some of the places I recognized here in Melbourne. Could they be...? 

I suspiciously subscribe to their channel to get notified whenever they upload a new video, so maybe something in these might trigger my thoughts. Suddenly I see that they've uploaded a new video only 40 seconds ago! Curiously I click on that and appears a video called 'Melbourne City Nuisance'. Well, that's for sure now that I saw them around here somewhere... 

And that's when I recognize them. The first clip of the video is three boys, in Macca's, trying to order food by speaking weirdly and making weird noises. I thought the three brothers looked familiar straight away! And Skip was probably the one holding the camera! These are the same guys I bumped into today - no doubt. 

All of a sudden I feel guilt pouring over me. The boys were just trying to make a funny video for their fans to watch and laugh at and I was acting so mean and arrogant towards them for making me wait! I wish I could give them another chance, I think we could even make great friends. But I'm pretty sure that I'll never see them again and I'll never be able to apologize for my behavior and tell them I'm a fan. I've just blown my chances. How typical.

"Way to go, Ari," I mumble to myself. 

I sigh and put my iPad to sleep. I turn to see what's the time and freeze. It's freaking 3AM!!! I basically bounce off the bed and into my bathroom. I brush my teeth super fast and braid my hair in a side braid. I hurry back to my room, struggle to put on my turquoise pajama pants, grab a white t-shirt to wear and jump under my soft duvet covers. The last thing I think before falling asleep is how could I possibly give Jai another chance, since I think he was the boy who smiled at me before I stormed out of the door. Or was it Luke, I'm not even sure anymore.


Hi! :P

So how was the second chapter? Comment below pls. Also if any of you was that lovely and checked out my Zayn fanfiction or maybe even commented or voted, I will love you to death. <3 

PS. I put 'Melbourne City Nuisince' on the sidebar just in case any of you haven't seen it :) The bit where Ariana is behind the Janoskians in the queue starts about 0:30 ;) Also on the side is the outfit which Ariana wore at her home.  

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You're beautiful <3

-Saskia x

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