Chapter 1

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"You know the bed feels warmer, sleeping here alone-"

I groan and press 'next' as "What Doesn't Kill You (Makes You Stronger)" by Kelly Clarkson comes on on my iPod. It's not that I dislike her - the song just pisses me off because of various reasons.  

First of all, Ryan is an asshole, seriously. I can't even think about us without getting all teary. Insulting me is one thing, but offending my family... Too much. He broke up with me because he didn't like me being in a kids' show.

And second of all, he got what he wanted. Nickelodeon fired me after the major press drama because it was offending the company and that was it. That's how much everybody loves me. 

I walk down the street past McDonalds. I hate this place. People, mostly teenagers, come here to stuff rubbish in their faces and get fat and just be cool. Or act all lovey-dovey, which disgusts me even more. McDonalds for a romantic dinner date? Seriously? Boys don't know how to treat girls these days, because they're either too dumb, rude, stupid or arrogant...

...which brings me back to Ryan again. 

Ah, god, I have to stop relating everything to him! He got me out of his way just like he wanted and he shouldn't affect my life anymore. I try to at least act happy and step inside McDonalds to get a strawberry milkshake. I don't bother taking off my headphones and just wait in the line. 

But with 5 minutes I'm already super pissed, because it takes FOREVER for the guys in front of me to order. When I take off my headphones, I can hear what they're speaking. Although it's not some sort of language I know - they're making weird noises with their tongues and acting all stupid, trying to order in their own bizarre way but just confusing the servant. There's also another boy with a camera, so I guess it's some sort of prank. 

I shoot them a deadly glance and step in front of the counter next to them, which is now free. I quickly order my milkshake and as I'm hurrying towards the door, I see one of the boys flashing me an apologetic smile. I roll my eyes at him and step out.

What an idiot.


This is my second fanfic and as the title says, about Jai and Ariana. I just ADORE them both and I think I consider them as my OTP haha :D Would mean the absolute world if you go and check out my other story, it's called "Let Me Love You (Zayn Malik Fanfiction)". So yeah, I guess that's it. :)

PS. On the sidebar is Ariana's iPod case, dontcha think it's just fab? :P Also, if you haven't yet heard the song for some odd reason, there you go :)

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You're beautiful <3

-Saskia xxx

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