Chapter 6

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"Get in loser! We're going... ice cream-ing!" I yell, doing my best 'Mean Girls' impression and honking my horn as loudly as I can.

Jai sticks his head out of what I assume to be his bedroom window and shouts back at me, "Ey, you're scaring all the customers away! We're supposed to have a whore house here, run by Beau!" 

That makes me laugh so hard that I don't even notice Jai climbing in the passenger's seat next to me. I'm greeted with a quick hug and a pair of deep wonderful eyes staring into mine. 

"Has anyone ever told you how amazing eyes you have?" I blurt out.

Jai seems a bit taken aback by my sudden burst of thoughts. He smiles awkwardly and says, "Umm, no...? But I'm glad you like them."

He snakes up to my face really close and bats his eyelashes. "Is it better like this? Do you have a full view now?"  

I laugh. "Jai, stop it! I can't concentrate on the road! Wanna drive yourself?" 

His face lights up and I gasp, "Over my dead body! I was joking! I won't let you crash my parents' car." He pouts his bottom lip just like I imagined he would on the phone this morning.

The rest of the ride we sit in silence, only Jai giving me directions once in a while. When we arrive at the ice cream café, I immediately fall in love with this place. It's that sort of house that is described in stories, with its blue walls, pink doorknobs and wide window sills with ruffly pillows on them. 

And the ice cream flavors - I'm not even gonna start! They have everything starting with pomegranate with white chocolate to blue cotton candy. Jai told me a fun fact, it's called fairy floss here! 

I take one scoop of plum ice cream and the other of cookie dough, Jai has one of banana and the other of mango. We take a seat on one of the window sills, our backs propped against the wall and start to eat. 

"So," Jai starts, stuffing a spoonful of the yellow frosty liquid sweet into his mouth. I'm already scared of what he's going to ask. 

"How is Australia different from America? Like, which things do you like here, which there?" 

I take a spoonful of cookie dough cream and think for a moment. 

"What I like here is probably the... nature - it's just stunning -, welcoming people in places like shops and restaurants and... Wait for it..." I smirk at him, "HOT GUYS WITH KILLER ACCENTS! Don't get your hopes up though, I think Beau is more like my type of brother."

Jai acts like he's shocked and playfully smacks my arm.

"You did not just go there! Do you want me to get all hard on you eh?"

And being the dirty-minded people we are, we burst out laughing, causing us to get disapproving looks from the elderly couples drinking coffee. 

"Omg, that was so not what I meant! I mean you're our assistant! That's just disgusting!" Jai somehow manages to get out through his tears. 

When we've finally calmed down, he tilts his head and looks at me for a long time, his deep eyes piercing mine. He looks a little bit like a dog who's wondering if it should catch the frisbee or not. 

I look at him questioningly, the tiny ice cream spoon sticking out of my mouth. "What is it?" 

"I don't know," he says, "it seems like you're different from any other girl."

I'm puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"You're so... here but distant at the same time. Like your body is here with me, but your mind is floating thousands of meters above the ground. You're definitely a dreamer, Ari."

I look at him wide-eyed. That's the first time a boy has ever told me something like this. All of the boys in my past have been stuck-up spoiled macho jerks, only caring about their own needs. 

Jai, on the other hand, seems like this cool, sweet, caring guy, the kind that usually only exists in books. 

"...Which I find a major turn-on," he finishes his sentence and grins. 

I smack his head, laughing. "I thought you were really like this, emotional and all, but in reality you're only after girls!"

"Hey, what can we do. We're guys, it's one of our manly instincts to attract the females," Jai says, wiggling his eyebrows at me. 

"You little shit! How dare you!" 

We both start cracking up even harder than before and after we've received another deadly glare from the guy behind the counter, we decide it's the right time to leave.

Once we've reached the Brooks' household, Jai gives my hand a grip and says, "Thanks for the lovely day. It was really nice to sort of 'meet' you, you know, before work starts and all. Then we're all serious, you have to come seeking for a joke with a knife." He winks at me. 

I laugh out loud. I can give my head that this is not exactly the way working with the Janoskians is going to be, but I keep quiet. 

"I'm glad you had fun. I did too," and I peck his cheek for goodbye, leaving trails of red lipstick behind.

"Woah, now I really click with the whole theme of 'whore house'," he marks, trying to get my lipstick off. I gasp, acting offended, but I know I can't stay mad at him for long. Soon enough I'm smiling again. 

Jai gets out of the car and before walking through the front door, he stops and says, "Oh, I forgot to warn you about your first day of work, but I'm sure you'll survive. Welcome to hell." He smirks and steps inside. 

I am left sitting there, staring at his door, my skin still tickling from the touch of his soft fingers. Hell or not, I've already started to love this place.

Heyaaa you lovely Internet people!

To start off, how was your holidays? Mine was so busy! (Non computer-related though, otherwise we would be like 5 chapters ahead in this story) But I got some lovely gifts and had a few nice meals here and there and of course the New Years came with a bang :D So I hope my 2013 will be the best yet!


Then finally, what has happened?! Soooo many of you have started to vote on my chapters and a few of you even comment, like this is surreal O_o is my fanfic really... that good then? I'll leave it up to you. ;) But thankyou thankyou thankyou everyone who has voted/commented/fanned/added and so on, I wish I could hug you all :* And just a reminder I fan everyone back!


PS. On the sidebar is a bit of what the cute ice-cream parlour looked like :P and ofc I couldn't resist, one of my fave songs at the moment!

Comment, vote, add, fan!

You're beautiful <3

-Sasha Xo 

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