Chapter 24

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*This is an extra super duper long chapter for you guys so get prepared ;)*

"Excuse me! Miss! I believe that bag is yours also?" A handsome black shop assistant runs after us. Vic covers her eyes with another bag and lets out a laugh, "Ah, thank you. I'm so hazy sometimes!"

We've been to approximately 8 shops in the last three hours and we left the best for last - Victoria's Secret. After getting the bag back and saying a million apologies we stumble to a bench next to Starbucks stand and collapse onto it, dozens of bags still dangling from our fingers. Vic searches the coffee menu eagerly and I decide to fish out my phone and call Jai. When he doesn't pick up, I try another number.

I have to wait for two rings when someone picks up at the other end. It's smooth and a little higher so most likely Luke.

"Luke? It's Ariana. Calling your number because Jai's cell seemed to be off..."

"Oh yeah, it probably died. He was stalking your Instagram for the whole morning so it's no surprise."

"Really?" A smile creeps onto my face. "What for?"

Luke chuckles, "Ask for yourself, I really don't know his reasons." Then he shouts loudly enough for the whole house to hear, "JAIDON! YOUR GIRLFRIEND WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!"

Grabbing the phone again, he manages a sly voice, "He'll be here any second."

I let out a laugh. He is crazy. "Thanks for that."

"Anytime, sis-in-law." 

I hear ruffling, a couple of curse words and a grunting Jai appears on the other end. "I wish I could strangle him right on the spot."

I giggle, "No need for that. Listen, I was wondering if you were up to hang out tonight?"

He's about to say something, but I add in before he can, "Alone."

"I was just about to ask that. But of course, I'd love to," he breathes.

"Good, I'll pick you up at 5."

"But where-" I cut him off by hanging up. I love to be cheeky sometimes.


I pull in the Brooks' driveway at 4:52 and can't even count to five before Jai has jumped into the passenger seat with a picnic basket and his guitar case. He's wearing perfectly fitting khaki pants and a white v-neck. Oh those damn collarbones and that neck...

He peeks at me over his black Ray-Bans and grins. "Ready to go, princess?" I just giggle surprisedly and shift the system into rearing. I wasn't expecting that sort of will, to be honest.

We turn on the highway and since the weather is amazing, I decide to pull a little trick. Another reason why I chose that car is the roll-down top. Jai gasps, "Woah! Are you like rich or something?"

I laugh, "Let's say I've got my savings."

He turns on the radio and starts switching the channels until a song by Jason Mraz comes up, or so Jai says, I've never heard it. He starts to tap his knee and hum softly. I can faintly make out only a couple of words - "...I won’t give up on us, even if the skies get rough, I’m giving you all my love...”

I sigh in my head. I really hope there’s gonna be some sort of evolution in our relationship today or I’ll die. 

In 15 minutes we’ve reached the seaside and pull into the parking lot. Luckily there’s not many cars at the moment and hopefully the majority have left too by the time the sun starts to set. I choose the nearest free spot and park the car. We grab our few belongings and off we go. I slip my feet out of my Converse and Jai quickly does the same. He tries to act like a gentleman and take my purse from me as well, but I say I’m fine with it, since he looks kinda comical already carrying his guitar case, picnic basket and fedora all in one hand.

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