Chapter 19

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"So KFC it is?" Beau asks as he maneuvers the Brooks' gray minivan out of the parking lot.

Daniel, James, Jai and I mumble approvingly. Victoria and Luke didn't come with us, they took my car and hit the shops instead. Vic wanted to buy herself a new Pennyboard and Luke insisted on going with. That's totally okay with me - Vic's sensible enough to walk around on her own and I'm not a skater girl anyway - but one thing I'm worried about is these two getting too close and this is where my sisterly side strikes out. Vic might start thinking this fan fiction life is the new reality and end up with her heart broken. She will be staying here for a month after all. Those teen summer romances are cute and make you feel giddy and all, but this is a whole different thing. Luke is part of the JANOSKIANS - and judging by Vic's reaction pretty hot stuff right now. 

Once inside the KFC, we start ordering. The last time I was at one of these places was back in LA and the smell of frittered chicken suddenly makes me homesick. But I've got no time to feel sorrow - Jai accidentally brushes his fingers against the back of my hand and there goes the shivers again. I hate it that he has so much affect on me... Not that I'm complaining though.

We take our trays and sit down at a large table next to the entrance. I bite into the food and close my eyes with delight: who knew vegetarian tofu burger tasted this good!

We start chatting about the busy day on set and their recent success in general - when I sight something sickeningly familiar. A sleeve of a flannel shirt. A shirt I've worn so many times before. I peek at the owner and my insides turn into stone. 

"DUCK!" I hiss at the 4 guys and basically press their faces into their half-eaten meals. We keep our heads low until a group of laughing and shoving guys has passed and heads to the food court.

"Shit, Ariana, what was that for? Now I have ketchup in my hair!" Beau whines, trying to cover his fringe with a SnapBack.

I smile bitterly. "Sorry guys. Meet my ex-boyfriend, Ryan."

Jai's mouth drops open and all the others look at me with disgust. "You dated THAT douche?" Skip asks.

I sigh and peek at the group of guys to see if they had heard us. "Apparently love makes you see through pink glasses... Me, I just went completely blind. Come on guys, let's leave before I get sick of watching his ugly face."

But it's already too late. Just as we're about to step out the door, I hear this same deep, sneery, I'm-too-cool-for-anyone voice I wished I'd never have to hear again. "Well-well. Look who you can bump into in Melbourne!"

I spin around, eyeing him up and down. He's completely the same as he used to be 6 months ago: wearing stupid flannel shirts and dark-washed jeans, eerily white Vans and always the same pair of sunglasses which make him look like a wannabe Justin Bieber. Even his hair is the same: spiky and greasy by multiple hair products.

"What do you want, Ryan?" I ask through gritted teeth, saying his name with disgust.

"Woah there, no need to be jumpy. I was just trying to be polite and start a conversation."

I groan. "I don't NEED to have a conversation with you, okay?! I think you made it pretty clear when you stomped on my heart and got me fired from the only place on earth I loved."

He smirks knowingly but says nothing and it makes me want to punch him in the face even more. It's not until then when he notices Beau, James, Daniel and Jai behind me. I can tell they're pretty scared of him as well - they are buff for going to the gym daily, but they've got nothing against Ryan's 6"2. 

"Who are these behind you anyway? You're their babysitter?" His buddies burst out laughing and Ryan gets motivated by it. "And how come the Cinderella hasn't found herself a new Prince yet? Oh. I forgot. Without me you're just as pathetic as a kindergartener. I bet no guy wants you anymore!"

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