Chapter 11

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"It's Ariana Grande speaking, how can I help you?" I answer the phone poshly, twirling the cable around my pointer finger.

I'm seated in a worn-out black leather office chair, sneakers on the mahogany desk. It's Thursday morning and it's a big day for the boys - they might get the chance to sign with MTV Australia to get their own prank show! Obviously the boys are pretty pumped. 

James laughs. "No silly, you're doing it wrong! Let me show ya," and jumps in the chair himself. He props his Vans on the table just like I did and pretends to file his perfectly done manicure.

"Hello, this is Candace McPhillies from the Vogue Magazine speaking. What can I help you with, miss?" He nods understandingly like there's a client at the other end of the line. "Darling, I see that this is important to you. But the finances aren't going as well as they used to be last year. We had to cut our Lifestyle & Living pages from total 31 to 24 and that's a fact. I hope you are pleased with everything else? Great. Have a lovely day."

And with that he pretends to dramatically throw down the phone and touches his temples like he has a migraine. "Ah, the people aren't satisfied with anything!" 

James stands up and I start clapping. I think it was brilliant! The guys just awkwardly stand there.

"Bro... now THAT was weird," Jai says in disbelief.

I roll my eyes. "Men are so dumb! You don't even know how to express yourself through art. Except from James of course - you are a true talent! Where did you learn to act like that?"

The boys look at me like I'm crazy, but I know exactly what I'm talking about. This kid has true stand-up actor talent. 

"Nah, don't say that. I've just done a couple of school plays and that's pretty much it. Nothing major," James says and rubs the back of his neck, trying really hard to look like he wasn't enjoying himself.

While in reality, he was. I could see it reflect in his eyes that he loves to act, but is probably just too embarrassed to tell the others. 

All of a sudden the phone rings. Everyone freezes. We all have a clue who this might be, but for a good ten seconds the ringing goes on - no one is brave enough to pick up. Finally Beau swallows hard and answers the phone. 

"Hello? Yeah. Yes we are. Of course. No, not all of us. Yes, her name is Gina Brooks. Are you serious? Friday morning? Perfect. 10 AM then. Thank you very much. We won't let this opportunity go. See you soon."

He puts down the phone and just looks at us, remaining emotionless. I'm too anxious to even breathe.

Daniel - who has almost chewed off all his fingernails - seems pretty irritated. "So? Did we get the contract then?"

Beau moves his mouth like a fish out of water. Finally he manages one word. A word that makes hell break loose. "Yes." 

I think my poor eyes have never seen something this wild. First it was only Luke who innocently tried to hug James, but then the others jumped on top of them too, causing Luke to trip over and all of them to fall in a big screaming heap on the floor. 

I look at them and laugh lightheartedly. They look like a bunch of 5-year olds. It's only been a week but I know that I've started to love these idiots, whether they act stupid or not.

"Wanna join?" Jai winks at me.

I burst out laughing. "You wish! Never ever in a million years!" 

But before I can fight back, he grabs my hand, pulls me on top of the heap and they all start tickling me. I squeal and try to break free, but they're much stronger than I am.

"GUYS! Stop it! I'm so ticklish! STOP!" I demand out of breath. "I'm the oldest one here! You have to listen to me!"

But that's as if I am talking to a wall. Instead of letting me free, they stand up, carefully carrying me above their heads and march around the cabinet rooting "ARI! ARI! ARI!"

I try to sound harsh and yell, "Guys! I said it's enough! Put me down!" but again there is no use. 

Finally, when they've had all their fun, they put me down gently. "Are you guys always so annoying when you're excited?" I say and give a little smile. To be honest, the whole thing made me want to laugh too.

Jai laughs. "Oh yes. I recommend you to start getting used to it, or else..." He trails off.

"Or else what?"

"...You will be getting lots of these!" 

He smacks a big kiss on my cheek and Luke does the same on the other side. Then James comes and kisses my forehead, Daniel my nose - he's so short - and Beau my ear. I giggle. "Guys, what were these for?" 

They all embrace me with a hug. "For being the best assistant we've ever had."

"And the only one," I note, "and you've known me for only a week and a half!"

Jai, who's standing the closest to my ear, whispers, "That's enough to identify a brilliant person."

I turn my face and look him in the eyes. Gosh, these things get more stunning every day!

I give him my sweetest smile. "Thank you Jai. Thanks all of you. This week I've probably felt the happiest I've ever been. I'm more than pleased to think that this is now my job. Thank you for being the coolest and craziest people I've ever met. Please do not ever change." I close my eyes and hug them all back. 

There is a moment of emotions - Luke sniffs his nose, Beau's eyes seem red and my sight is a bit blurred as well.

Daniel quickly wipes his eyes and asks, "What is wrong with us? We were just given the chance of our lifetimes. We should be going mental, not crying."

That shoots some energy into Jai and he says, "Skip's right, guys. Let's go and celebrate!"

Hey you BEAUtiful people!

How was your week? ...Lonely and boring without my updates? :D Actually, it's not really funny, I wanted to update, I really wanted :( I was supposed to do it on Thursday night but I had to write a school paper and sorry, but for me school comes before internet. I'm sure you get me when I say it's impossible to be online 24/7, right? I have a life outside of my four walls too :D and even the people who are like "I haven't had social life since I discovered *insert a celebrity here* and I ain't even mad and like wtf is sun and fresh air" actually HAVE a life because well, they still eat and sleep and go to school and what all these things are then, if not a "life"? ;)

K I will stop my rant now, it was pretty pointless anyway. But I feel really sorry for always promising you that my updates will get faster, when in reality they're not... :/ My updates can speed up if my time for writing new chapters speeds up but unfortunately, in the near future they probably won't :(  But it's still better than not updating at all, right? :) 

This weekend I was visiting my grandparents and I got a stupid fucken fever, again :S So instead of going skiing with my family I just lay around the house watching YouTube videos (Janoskians marathon WHOOP WHOOP) and wrote again like 3 new chapter so now I have 6 chapters written in advance which is pretty good ;) But that's why I won't post them straight away, I gotta save them for the busy days when I won't have time to write so I'll still be able to upload... Now you see my dilemma ;) 

Okay, I gotta ask you this. Do you like or hate these long author's notes? Screw it, these aren't even author's NOTES, more like author's ANOTHER CHAPTER OF POINTLESS BABBLE IN THE END OF EACH CHAPTER :D So, please comment down below (if you even read this far...), do you want me to shorten them up or do you like it when one person does these a bit longer too? Because this way I feel like I can interact with you more & tell about my life, I really like it :) 

Oh and one last thing before I go! Really soon, my chapters will have a dedication in them! ;) Not gonna pick a new random person every time though, sorry :( But my real-life best friend will appear in this story as a new character ;) She is really excited about what is gonna happen to her but I'm annoying & won't tell her :P So be looking forward to that in about 5 chapters.

Next time I'll announce something really cool happening to me on February 24th! Hint-hint: B-) (and no I won't be getting glasses)

PS. On the sidebar there's a picture of Ariana's galaxy print Vans, ahh I'm so jelly :D and I don't really have a song-slash-video this week. Just enjoy listening to whatever you're listening at the moment :)

Comment, vote, add, fan!

You're beautiful <3

-Sasha (today feeling a bit bizarre) 

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