Chapter 20

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"So for C you have to put your pointer finger here, middle finger a step higher and now the ring finger here." Jai adjusts my fingers to the right position and lifts my elbow higher. "There you go. Now try to strum."

I do so and a basic, but pretty-sounding chord radiates from the guitar. The metal strings blare a little against the neck, yes, but otherwise quite good for the first time. 

It's the guys' free day off MTV set and Jai, Luke, Vicky and I are seated on the front porch of the Brooks' house. Vic is finishing her Starbucks green tea frappé, Luke is on his phone and Jai is teaching me chords on guitar. Beau went to get Taco Bell for everyone and James and Daniel are coming over later to discuss their next video.

Suddenly Luke's face turns into a frown. "Why are people directing some weird hashtags at me?" He turns his phone towards us. There's a little Twitter bird in the corner of the screen and his mentions are literally blowing up. As if that wasn't usual. 

"People are tweeting me and Jai #GiveCatBackToNickelodeon and #WeMissOurRedHairedUnicorn? Whose cat are they looking for?" A shiver runs through me. I look at Victoria to find her already glancing at me, hesitation reflecting in her eyes. To be honest, this sort of thing should bring me bad memories. At least for the old me. But this is a new country, new job, new people around me; that's why right now all I'm feeling is longing for my amazing fans. 

I yank the phone from Luke and start typing rapidly. I press 'Tweet' with such confidence, but as I stare at the new tweet on Luke's timeline and the growing number of his interactions, it strikes me that maybe it wasn't the brightest thing to do. What if the boys will get hate because of me? Maybe MTV doesn't want this kind of attention on them? What if... Ryan somehow finds out? 

I want to slap myself. Come on Ari, you're worrying about RYAN again?! Really? Just because that douche is in the same town doesn't mean he's going to affect my life again. We're over. It's through.

"What on earth did you do?" Vic asks and grabs the phone to herself. "'Hi guys, it's Ari here. Thnx 4 ur concern, I'm alive & happy in down under. Ilysm <3 ttyl on my account. x'. Why do you look like a ghost? So what then, you haven't tweeted for a couple of days, your fans just reached out and tried to contact you. I thought you were used to that kind of attention on the internet?" 

I smile to myself. My fans and I have this special bond no one but us understands. They know everything about my past; my childhood and the last couple of years. Still they understand every bit of it, stick with me through thick and thin and give me unconditional support. They're always waiting for my next milestone even more than myself. I couldn't ask for a better fanbase... Actually, they're more than a fanbase. They're my unofficial family. "I just wanted to tell my fans that I'm okay and that I miss them. Had a moment of emotions, is all." 

"Well, next time when you decide to text your boyfriend back home, at least ask me first!" Luke laughs and takes the phone back from Vic.

I exchange a glance with her and catch Jai looking at me, blushing slightly. Of course, Luke wasn't at KFC with us... I play it cool and chuckle slightly. "I don't have a boyfriend, Luke."

He slaps his hands against his cheeks and fakes astonishment. "Such a lovely lady like you and single! At least I know someone who would love to take the lead," Luke winks at Jai and gets a deathly glare in response.

"I told you to keep your mouth shut!" Jai grunts. "We don't need everyone finding out!" 

"Guys?" Vic's eyebrows are raised high and her mouth in a cheeky grin. "What is all that about?"

Luke peeks first at me, then at Jai and announces victoriously, "These two here KISSED!"

Usually I would've been super mad at Luke for exclaiming it basically to the whole street, but right now I couldn't care less. What happened, happened. Vic would have heard it sooner or later, better from Luke than some random hater on Twitter. Besides, Jai and I have already talked this through. 

"Yeah we did."

"No we didn't!"

Jai and I both exclaim at the same time. I look at him and raise an eyebrow questioningly. Why lie about what's already been and what can't be changed?

Instead of looking back at me, Jai looks at the ground and mumbles, "Okay. We kinda did."

"HA! I KNEW it!" Vic shouts and claps her hands together. "You two have feelings for each other!" Luke and Vic both look so satisfied that I feel weird. Why do they care? 

I try to shush them, "We don't need the whole world to hear it, okay?! What happened stays between Jai and I. Now that we've all finished fangirling about it, can you two PLEASE swear to keep quiet?" I look at Luke pleadingly, who has finished making kissing noises at Jai.

He raises his hands in defense, "Chillax! Why would we tell anyone? My lips are sealed."

"Vic?" I turn my head towards her.

"Pinky swear." 

We shut up just in time to see Beau's car pull up in the driveway and three guys climbing out of it, each holding three massive takeout meal boxes. "Alrighty, I hope you kids are hungry as beasts because here's enough food to feed the whole Glenroy!"

I look at Jai and he mimics wiping sweat off his forehead. Phew, that was close.


Hello there mofos!

Sorryy, I was late with uploading with 2 days... Please try to be undertsanding, trying to stick to a schedule after 3 months of slacking is taking some time to get to used again :) but hey, still better than nothing! 

Okay, I apologize for rushing ahead of things in my last afterword - nope, Jariana IS NOT BACK TOGETHER, supposedly Ariana is still with Nathan and there are just friendly feelings between her and Jai. And I know guys, it sucks bad but it's their life after all. Whatever we as fans try to say, or do, might only upset them or just change nothing. So I say it would be better if we just let it be for now and try to be happy for Ari, if Jariana is meant to be then life will guide them together again ;) 

You don't need to stick through this bit if you haven't read my other fanfiction, Zayn Malik one but if you have, please give me some advice. Now that my computer was being fixed, I lost all of my files on it, including that whole fanfic, approximately 20 unposted chapters (this one is still here because I had written all the chapters on my phone and sent via e-mail). I'm not Directioner enough to get motiation to write the WHOLE thing again; nor do I have time for that... So I'm asking you which would be better: leave the first 10 chapters up for newcomers to read and enjoy that far (but then sort of left hanging) or delete it absolutely as if it never excisted? Please help me out on this one: I really can't decide what to do.

Enough of blabbing, talk to you next week my fabolous friends!

PS. On the sidebar there's a pic of Victoria's Starbucks green tea frappé, I know I really love posting food/drink pics I'M AWARE :D  and the video on the sidebar is my favorite Cat-related video. Thought all of you should see the geniousness of it :) 

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You're beautiful <3

Saskia :) x

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