Chapter 60: The Fallen

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*Thats Ryan and that's how he is standing when talking to RILEY.*

Ryan's POV

I got up after taking a short nap and walked to my dresser. I get my denim shirt and drape it over my white t shirt and button it up half way. Grab my belt which was made to hold my holster and rounds around the belt. Grab my revolver and put it in the holster. Grab my boots lace them up and grab my Stetson and head out my cell. On my way out to get my horse I thought about how I learned to ride and how Riley had taught me when we were younger. Oh Riley what I'd do to tell her how much I cared. How much I need her. I stop dead I'm my tracks. Turn around and walk to Riley's cell. Am I gonna do this? Yepp sounds legit. Here goes nothing. I stand at her cell entrance with my shoulder leaning on the bars and my foot cocked back. My hat tilted over my eyes and my head toward the ground. Riley was sitting there. Just sitting there looking at me.


"Yes Ryan. What you need?" She sounds so sweet. I walk up to her grab her hand and bring her to a standing position.

"I love you girly. I always have. I know your happy with Daryl and all and I know you don't think that you and I could ever be. But just know your the love of my life and I'll die for you if need be. You are my world and I love you Riley. I love you...."

"Get the hell away from her" I turn to see Daryl standing at the cell door holding a shotgun. I turn and put my hand on my revolver still holstered.

"You don't wanna do that Daryl. Trust me" Daryl puts down the shotgun and puts his hand on his pistol.

"You think your faster Ryan."

"Listen.. Daryl....." There's a short pause. "You pull... I'll put you down."

Daryl's face is red, "Bullshit!" he says through gritted teeth. He's practically snarling.

"Now..Daryl.."I sigh and look at the ground before returning my eyes back to his. "I don't wanna kill you...and you don't wanna be dead.." I couldn't help but give a little grin. "Remember I shoot to kill and I never miss."Daryl's facial expression changed. He looked over at Riley. "Don't look at her, she's not helping you this time. Your dealing with me now."

Daryl looked back at me and his hand flew to his holster. Mine went to grab mine and before I pulled I heard a gun shot!


"What was that?!" I said

"I don't know."Daryl said

BOOM! The ground shook and we all hit the ground.

"What the fuck was that!" I hollered getting off the ground.

"Guys let's go!" Rick hollered at us.

I turned and grabbed my katana and cross bow. My holsters were already on both of my thighs, and on my hip and I had a pistol tucked in on my back as well. I put the katana on my back and held my cross bow, ready to shoot, in my hands.

We ran down the steps out of my cell and down to the door. We pushed the door open and ran to where everyone was. We reached the chain link and I saw what the bang was. The one watch tower in the middle of the field was on fire. Down at the fence toward the front gates was huge tank aimed at the prison. Cars surrounded the tank along with people with guns all aimed at us. I looked closer and saw who they had. Machone and Hershel were on their knees on the ground. Their hands tied behind their backs. They showed no emotion but you could tell they were afraid. A man stepped out of a large truck. He approached and stood beside Machone. He hand one hand holding back his long black coat and the other held Machone's katana.

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