Chapter 34: Sore

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I woke up in the same position as I did when I apparently fell asleep. I blinked my eyes a couple times so they could adjust and focuse. Everything was quite and normal....well as normal as it would get. I sat up realizing there was a blanket on me that I didn't put there. Daryl or Ryan must have been in there and covered me. Pulling the blanket back I slowly swung my feet over the bed and left them touch the floor. I was still kinda of out of it because what happened with Emma and my arm it all happened so fast that it was a fuzzy blurry not so distant memory. Rubbing my eyes I stood up and walked over and grabbed my jacket that was hanging up on the wall. Slipping it overt head and pulled out my hair. Then I put my katana case on my back, stuffed my knife in my pocket and wrapped my one pistol and it's holster around my leg. After adjusting everything and making sure it wasn't gonna fall off or out I opened the curtain in front of my cell and walked out and down the stairs. I stepped on each step slowly and carefully making sure not trip since my body was still weak. "Hershel?" I said walking inside the doctoring cell.

"Yes dear how ya feeling."He asked me

"I feel like shit my body hurts my arm hurts and I feel like I'm gonna collapse." I told him sitting down on the bed.

"Here so more medicine and let's re wrap your arm and put some medicine over the stitches." He said grabbing some gauze and salve and a drink so I could take my medicine.

"Thanks." I said as he re wrapped my injured arm

"Your welcome and you should still rest some. And don't move a lot because you can tear those open." Hershel warned

"I know and thanks for everything."I said smiling and walking out of the cell. I walked out of the cell still clearly sore because the medicine didn't take affect yet. Walking down to the hallway I took a left which lead to the door to go outside. Taking a deal breathe I pushed the heavy metal door with my good arm. The sun light hit my face warming it up and giving me a happier mood. Something about the sun can cheer someone up. I closed my eyes and used my hand to shield them from the sun that already temporarily blinded me. Releasing the door it closed slammed shut behind me with a. I removed my hand more and more until my eyes adjusted to the bright light. Once adjusted I looked around to take in the view it seems like I haven't seen it in forever. I looked around the area I saw many people working the fence, Rick and Carl and Carol were in the garden, an some others were possibly on a run. I scanned the area searching for Daryl who which I didn't see, I looked over at the gate after hearing a clang. I saw Ryan he was shutting the gate to go clear the fences and then opening the other gate to walk inside. I waved to him with my good hand by he didn't notice because he was looking down at the ground. "Hey Nerd!" I called and his head shot up and looked at me.

"Riley your up!" Ryan said jogging up to me and wrapped his arms around me squeezing me tight.

"Ow ow ow." I said

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot." He said setting me back down apologetically

"It's okay but I can't move that much because it hurts and I could tear the stitches out.Hey not to run off of anything but where's Daryl?" I asked

"Um I think he's up on the roof." Ryan said

"Okay I'm gonna go see him I'll come visit you later. Okay" I said

"Okay." He said looking a little disappointed

"I'm sorry I promise I will come hang out with you long as you don't have anymore pysco girls who will kill me after you." I said smiling

"Yeah sorry about that." He said looking at me apologetically.

"It's okay well it's not but you know what I mean but I really need to go." I said hugging him, turning on my heel and walking away and back toward the cell block.

I walked inside the cell block and instead of turning into the main area where I sleep I kept going straight. After walking down the hall a little more of the right was a door which lead to the roof. I walked in and climbed the stairs. I grabbed the door handle and pushed it open quietly. Daryl was sitting on the couch just looking out over the area. I walked across the roof quietly not to make a sound. I stood behind Daryl and draped my arms over my his shoulders and kissing him on the check. "Hey."

He turned around slowly "Riley your up." He said excitidly

"Mmmhmm." I said walking around and sitting beside him on the couch."Do you know what happened?"

"Yes how ya feelin?" He asked me

"Sore really really really sore." I said feeling the pain in my shoulder

"I'm sorry here." He said putting his arm around me and I scooted in closer to him resting my head on his shoulder.

"I missed you." I said

"I missed you more." He said as I drifted off again to much needed sleep.


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