Chapter 36:Telling Daryl

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I woke up the next morning and Daryl was already gone. I sat up in bed and stretched my arms up to the ceiling. Pulling back the blankets I swung my feet over the bed and stood from the bed. Raising my hands over my head and clasping them together I leaned from side to side stretching my entire body. Once finished I walked to my dresser and grabbed a pair of light wash boot cut jeans. Pulling them over my boots. Next I grabbed a white spaghetti strap and pulled a navy blue tank over it revealing my stitches. Then I grabbed my two pistols and attached them to my hip and leg after sticking my katana on my back and my buck knife on my belt loop. Finally finished I walked down the stairs and toward Hershel's doctoring cell.

"Hey Hershel." I said walking inside the cell

"Good morning Riley you here for some more medicin? How ya feeling?" He asked handing me pills and examining my stitches and arm gently and carefully.

"Thanks and it still really hurts." I said

"Well it will for a long time your just lucky." He said sitting down on his stool.

"I know and I will see ya later I'm gonna go get some fresh air." I said standing up from the bed.

"Okay see ya." Hershel said as I walked outside

Once outside I looked around after being blinded by the bright sun light. I looked toward the garden and saw Rick, Lori and Carl working in the garden. Next looking toward the fence I saw Tyreese,Sasha,Maggi,Ryan,Daryl and a few newbies that we brought in. I walked down to the fence and grabbed a crowbar and walked toward Daryl and Ryan.

"Hey guys." I said to them both

"Hey." They said in unison

"Wow you really got cut didn't you." Daryl said walking closer to me and examining my stitches

"Yeah they hurt like a bitch." I said cringing when he touched them a little wiping off some mud.

"Yeah they look like they really hurt I'm sorry Riley." Ryan said

"It's fine just next time warn me of your psychos." I smiled raising my eyebrows

"There won't be anymore but if so I will warn ya okay." Ryan said back

"Well let's get this fence cleared." I said looking at Daryl and Ryan

I walked over to an area on the fence between Daryl and Ryan and stuck the crowbar into a elderly women's skull. Her eyes popped out of her skull when I stuck it inside. She went limp and the crowbar was stuck inside her skull. I pulled and pulled and finally yanked it out. She dropped like a rock and I then had to repeat the process all over again. We spent nearly an hour out on the fence clearing and checking it for weak/open spots.

"All done." I said wiping my forehead with the back of my arm to remove the sweat.

"Let's head back up to the prison." Daryl said

"Yeah I'm starving." I said hearing my stomach growl

"Yeah let's go see what there is to eat." Ryan said as we all hung up our fence clearing tools and Ryan lead the way up to the prison.

"Hey Riley can I talk to you about something." Daryl said snaking his arm around my waist.

"Sure what's up?" I said turning to face him

"Why did that girl want to kill you which by the way I'm happy you killed her before I did." Daryl said

"She thought I liked Ryan because apparently he likes me.So she thought that getting me out of the way by killing me would make him like her I guess. So when she stabbed it pissed me off and I killed her knowing that she would continue to try and kill me." I said exhaling a deep long breath feeling a release.

"Oh I didn't know all that." Daryl said in a little shock.

"Yeah I was afraid to tell you because I know your not Ryan's biggest fan." I said looking at the ground

"Yeah I know but still what do you suspect I'm not gonna like anyone who likes my girl. And it shocked me a little that you killed someone but then again I know you can handle yourself." Daryl said smiling

"Thanks and yea ask Ryan how I flipped him over with one arm." I said laughing


Happy reading and Btw I wanna write a new story I just don't know what it should be about. Help would be appreciated! :)


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