Chapter 52: Cuts and Scrapes

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Okay guys were back to normal...well normal in the apocalypse. But I wanted to give you guys a look into Riley's past and what happened to her in the begging. Enjoy!


I sat up quickly "You okay my dear?" Hershel said staring at me.

"Huh um where....oh um never mind." I shook my head. "Why am I here?" I asked

"Ryan went to see you when he came back and he covered you up with a blanket and saw the cut on your head. Which brings me to my next question, how did you get that cut?" Hershel said giving me a look.

"Oh when we were walking through the woods, since the truck ran out of gas, I fell over a log and cut my head on a piece of glass from a bear bottle someone carelessly through out along the road before the apocalypse started." I said finishing my lie.

"Okay now let's look at it. Oh by the way Ryan is looking for you he went to his cell to rest he told me to wake him when you were awake. He carried you in here." Hershel said turning around and grabbing some medicine and cotton balls.

"Don't wake him he needs to sleep." I said and Hershel agreed with me.

"Okay so now this cut." Hershel said tilting my head back, brushed my bangs out of the way and grabbed some peroxide. "Watch your eyes." I closed my eyes and Hershel wiped peroxide across the cut. I winced as it stung at first. It started to bubble which felt really weird. "I'm sorry but I'm gonna need to put in some stitches."

"Great." my words were drenched in sarcasm.

"I'm sorry" He turned around again setting the peroxide and cotton balls down, and grabbing some stitches. "Ready" I nodded my head and squeezed my eyes closed tight."Okay 1....2...3"Hershel stuck the needle through my skin.

"Ouch!" I jumped when he first stuck it in. Hershel threaded the needle about ten times.

"Okay all done, is there any thing else that is wrong with you?" He asked

My face flushed "Yeah um thanks and no." I didn't know what to say because my other injuries hurt like hell. But I couldn't tell Hershel about them. I've been hurt enough I don't need them to feel like I'm an invalid who can't work or help out or anything.

"Go see Ryan okay." Hershel said snapping me out of my train of thought.

"Will do thanks." I walked out of the cell and down to Ryan's."Hey." I said knocking on his cell wall

"Hey your awake." Ryan said looking at me, clearly still groggy and tired.

"Yup." I said back leaning against the wall.

"Oh um come in." Ryan said "Actually let's go to the roof I haven't been up there for awhile."

"Okay." I said following Ryan out of the cell.

We walked down the hall and to the right and then to the left which lead to the stairs. Ryan jogged up the steps ahead of me. I took a step up the stairs and fell back in pain against the railing.

"Hey you coming?" Ryan said looking back down the stairs at me.

I looked at him trying to hide the pain. "Yeah."

"Okay." Ryan said walking away from the stairs entrance to the roof.

I closed my eyes and blew a huge breathe of air out. I winced in agony. I picked up my foot again and regained my balance and stepped up the next step. I winced in agony again as the pain shot up through my leg. I slowly climbed the stairs wincing at pain each step I took.

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