Chapter 49: Cabin Fever

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"We have to go now! Load the truck full of everything that is non perishable! HURRY!" Dad demanded and we scurried around collecting food from the house and filling the truck bed up with it.

About ten minutes later the truck was full to the top and the house seemed empty. "Lets go everyone in the truck." My dad yelled from the gun cabinet. "Riley not you you come her!"

"Yes!" I said running to him

"Here." He handed me a 45 Colt and a 243. I looked at him blankly. "Rob taught you to shoot,you, Allen and I are the only ones who can shoot. Here your gonna need this too." He handed me a huge buck knife. "Let's go." Dad said calmly putting a hand on my shoulder as we turned and headed for the truck. Dad climbed in on the drivers side, mom was in the passenger side, I was behind her in the back, beside me was my two trembling sisters and behind dad was Allen. The ignition roared to life and dad sped down the road and into the unknown.

~One Month Later~

"Allen you and Riley go on a run for food and supplies. We have enough here to barley last until you guys should be back so hurry." dad instructed Allen and I.

"Okay be back soon." I said grabbing my pistol and 243. The truck ran outta gas a few miles back so we've been on foot for a long time. We just happened to be walking through the woods and stumbled upon this cabin.

Allen and I left the cabin and headed towards the road which was a good hike away. Allen didn't speak much anymore I guess the world really got to him. The only thing is we really haven't had to kill whatever those things are we call them walkers. We hiked up the hill finally and was going down the road that lead through the hollow we were in. AHHH! A high pitched scream rang out. I froze in my tracks. Allen reached for my arm but he was to late I made a bee line for the woods. I shot like a bullet zipping through trees and over logs. Allen yelled for me from behind he was also running. But his cries were blurted out by the high pitched screams that turned into blood retching screams as I ran closer to where my family was. I ran inside the open door smashing it hard against the wall with my arm. I stared into the room with complete shock. My mom laid on the floor torn apart. My sister beside her, her limbs torn off. My other sister was no where insight. I was in a daze I didn't even see the walkers coming toward me. I drew my pistol up and shot all five of them in a row. They dropped like rocks. I sucked in deep breathes trying to calm myself down. I heard a whisper it was faint. I scanned the room and then heard it again. I looked toward the back right corner and saw my dad. I ran to his side and lifted his eyes onto my lap. His left arm was off at his elbow and he had a huge gash taken out of his shoulder and left leg.

"I'm sorry...stay strong..." He coughed up a ton of blood that stained his pale face. "You...must....survive this...."The air left his lungs and his body went cold and limp in my arms.

"I will dad I will." I kissed his forehead and tears rolled down his face making trails in the blood. I laid his head back down on to the floor and stepped outside and on to the porch.

"What happened?"Allen said finally reaching the cabin. I pointe inside and he walked into the cabin. "NOOO!" He screamed and I heard a thud he must have collapsed to the floor. I shook my head and wiped away the tears.

I stepped off the porch and started walking to the right side of the cabin. As I stepped I heard a fail creaking sound. It was coming from behind the cabin. I walked toward the back side and saw a door swinging wide open. This must have been how the walkers got in. I looked inside the door and then shut it tight. I turned around and squinted my eyes to stop the sun from blinding me. I saw a lump something was sitting out in the woods. I walked out to it my pistol drawn I didn't know if the walker would jump up and attack me or if it was already dead. I got closer and rolled it to it's side. I dropped my pistol an picked up my sister Stephanie (my older sister) and laid her in my arms. She was bite on the leg multiple times. Her eyes were still open and her body stiff and lifeless. Her eyes were blood shot, her once blue eyes were now white and glassed over. I blamed myself for not being here and having to leave. I held Stephanie for awhile and all of a sudden her eye lids start to move and twitch. Her arms slowly slid up toward my head and around my neck. I sat crying I knew what I had to do. Walkers don't die unless shot in the head. I grabbed my pistol that was laying beside me on the ground and brought it to her forehead. "I love you." I whispered and pulled the trigger.

"What happened? Stephanie...."Allen said looking at me

"Yeah...did you do the same to mom, dad and Lilly(younger sister)?" I asked him

"I stabbed them yes. I have graves dug we need to burry them."Allen said and we both picked Stephanie up and laid her in one of the graves.

~An hour later~

We buried out family and made crosses and engraved their names in them with out knives. I found a bunch of wild flowers and laid them on the graves and also we stuck some in their hands. I know it seems weird but they were our family an they didn't deserve to die like that. Nobody did for that matter. Allen and I made out way through the woods and back to the main road. We didn't talk much I think we were still in shock of what today brought. And as if today couldn't get any worse it started to rain. We trudged on down the road until we came across a abandon Hostess truck. Luckily the back was unlocked and we climbed inside and sat out of the rain. My eyes drooped closed and I drifted off to sleep in a matter of seconds. But I kept waking up and stoping myself from screaming and slowly down my breathe from the nightmare that kept repeating today. God could life get any worse?

Oh yes it could.....


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