Chapter 5: Graves

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I woke up the next morning earlier than usual. It was a damp cool morning and I was one of the first ones up. I grabbed my jacket and boots and put them on and headed outside. I looked around it was quite except for the song birds singing. It was foggy out and the grass was still damp from the dew on it. It almost seemed normal like it was before the biters came. I missed waking up early in the morning to go ride my horses before school. I missed being able to walk outside without carrying a gun and fearing my life. I missed not having to risk my life every time I breathe. I missed being normal. I turned back around to face the tent and reach in for my pistol and sword I would leave my crossbow there until later. Daryl was still asleep alone with everyone else so I decide to take a walk. I rounded the back side of the farm house when I saw Olivia climbing out of her tent.

"Psst." I called to her

"Hey" she whispered"What are you doing up?"

"Just woke up and thought I would go for a walk" I told her

"Oh can I come?" She asked

"Sure just grab a knife and a pistol." I told her

"Okay give me a second". She said grabbing her pistol and knife and slipping them in her holster and pocket."Okay ready lets go."

We walked past the house and down a dirt path that went through the woods. The path brought us out to a old hay field.

"So have you heard or seen any of our other friends, you know either alive or a walker?" Olivia asked

"No your the only one right now." I told her

"What about Ryan have you heard from him?" Olivia asked

"No I haven't not since him and my brother left for the Marines and that was it I don't know what happened to him. I'm mean my brother died during the begging of the outbreak so I don't know about Ryan." I said grabbing a piece of hay that had seeded out.

"I'm sure he's fine he's tuff."She said smiling

"Yeah I know but that's what I said about my brother as well." I told her I'm usually an up beat person and always positive and thinking ahead. I'm a leading type always have been but now a day it's hard to be positive about people you used to be friends with since they could be dead.

"Oh cheer up I'm sure he's fine. Now we better get back to camp." Olivia said turning around dragging me with her

We reached the house and seen everyone was at the barn. They were saying something that I couldn't make out.

"What's going on"? I asked Daryl

"Hershel has walkers in there and we want to let them out to kill them so we can use the barn but they won't let us". Daryl said

"Oh." I said back and by that time T-Dog had opened the door and the walkers all came out and one by one they were shot and killed. Then all of a sudden a little girl came out of the barn. Carol then burst into tears but why?"Whats wrong with Carol?" I asked Daryl

"Before we ended up here the RV broke down on the highway. And as Dale tried fixing it a herd of walkers moved in. And we all hid under cars and well anyway Carols daughter Sophia was chased away by a walker. She then was chased into the woods and when Rick found her he hid her in a tree and told her he would draw the biters away and she was suppose to go back to the highway. And she didn't ever make it back. We looked everywhere for her and she never turned up so we moved on without her hoping to find her somewhere else. And that little girl is Sophia she's been bitten and that's why she never came back." Daryl said

"Oh my gosh"! I said starting to cry

Poor Carol I couldn't believe that her daughter was now a walker. All of a sudden a gun shot rang. Sophia was shot. It was sad but it was better for both her and everyone else.

"I feel so bad for Carol" I told Daryl

"It was for the best though" he said

"Yeah I know." I told him

"Hey Daryl Riley can you guys go start digging some graves for." he stopped he didn't say people because they weren't in fact people. But we knew what he meant.

Daryl and I then dug about six large graves and were finishing Sophia's grave now. After digging the graves we had a huge ceremony. After saying a few words about each person we all went back to the house and ate and it was then time for bed. Which I was gladly ready for today wasn't as good as I hoped it would be.


Sorry for the short chapter :( But Thanks for reading :)


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