Chapter 54:Answers

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Sit up from my bed and slip on my shoes and I walk out of my cell and to the railing. I heard the main door slam shut then I heard footsteps coming inside. Ryan walked in his arms held behind his back by Rick. What the hell was going on? I watched them as they walked toward Ryan's cell. Ryan looked up at me and mouthed the words "I'm sorry." I was confused what happened out there? Was that Ryan who screamed that? I had so many questions.

Once Rick and Ryan were in the cell I waited a minute and then watched Rick as he walked out of the cell and down to his own toward the front of the cell block. I then walked down the stairs and toward Ryan's cell.

"Riley." I heard Rick call my name, I stopped an turned to looked at him. "Can I have a word with you?" He said it as an order not as a question.

"Sure." I followed Rick into his cell.

"So what happened why did you have Ryan's arms?" I asked before he could say anything

"There was an incident." He trailed off

"What kind of incident?" I questioned

"When Daryl came back with Sasha and Tyreese from the run they came in here first bring in their loads. They told me that Daryl was still in the garage. I left to go see what was taking him so long and when I got closer to the garage I heard Daryl tell Ryan 'That Ryan had to stay away from you and that he couldn't protect you.'Ryan then flipped Daryl onto his back on the floor and beat the living shit out of him. Let me tell ya Daryl...well he's pretty beaten up. When I finally got to the garage I pulled Ryan off Daryl and Tyreese helped Daryl up and then left with him. I then brought Ryan to his cell so he could calm down. But I wanted to tell you what happened before you flipped out on Ryan." Rick said and I left everything sink in.

"That was him that yelled that then." I said aloud but only to myself.

"Huh what was that." Rick asked looking at me confused

"Oh Um nothing but thanks for telling me. Can I go see Ryan?" I asked

"I don't know why don't you leave him alone until tomorrow. We'll keep him in there and bring him his food. He needs to cool off." Rick said

I left out a big sigh I disagreed with Rick. "So basically like a prisoner?"

"It's what's best for the moment." Rick said

"Whatever well see ya and thanks again." I said leaving Ricks cell.

I walked up to my cell again and flopped down onto my bed. The words 'I love her you son of a bitch. And all you do is get her hurt!'echoed in my head over and over again. I was so confused on everything. I laid there for hours thinking. It was dark outside so it was even darker inside the prison,besides the light from the lanterns people had lite their cells. But I was the only one awake at the moment. So their was no lite at all. All of a sudden a flash of light went across my black curtain. I sat up wondering what it was. I stood up and slipped my shoes back on grabbed my flash light and tip toed out of my cell. I quietly walked down the stairs and outside. I heard footsteps running on the pavement at a quick hurried pace. The person ran into the garage. They ran toward Ryan's blue hummer. I immanently knew who the person was...Ryan. He opened the door to his car and climbed inside.

"Shit!" I heard him curse. "God damn you Riley." He said then I remembered I had the keys to his hummer since the last night he tried to leave and I stole them from him.

I tried not to laugh I retreated back to the prison and up to my cell and grabbed the keys and then hurried back to the garage. Ryan was still in his car laying his head on his arms which were rested on the steering wheel. I walked quietly toward the car and leaned against the opened driver side door.

"Trying to escape again?" I asked looking at Ryan.

"Riley." Ryan acted shocked to see me and tears were at the brim of his eyes in an instant. I just looked at him. "I'm so sorry Riley I thought you would be mad at me. I couldn't take you hating me so I was gonna leave but then I remembered that you had the keys still." He looked at me

"Rick told me everything." I said

"He did." He said

"Yeah and one other thing." I trailed off

"What is it?" Ryan asked his eyes pleading

"I heard you say you um....loved me. I heard what you screamed at Daryl." I said looking at him.

"It's true...Riley I'm a marine I love my country and the corps.And once the outbreak hit I had two things on my mind. Finding you and protecting you. But you scare the shit outta me. Not because your scary but because your the one thing that could make me fear for life it's self. I'm so afraid you'll leave me by running away with him or making me leave the prison. I know I'll never have a chance with the girl of my dreams but I figured I should tell that girl how I felt. So that's what I'm may not know this but your my world and I would do anything to protect you even if it means losing my own life. I wouldn't get you hurt in an accident or by a walker or anything. I'd take the bite or the bullet for you. I'd give you my last breathe just to have you live another day. I know non of this may matter anymore but your the girl of my dreams and you had the right to know." Ryan said putting his hands on the sides each of my shoulders pulling me closer to him.

"Ryan...I...I.." I didn't know what to say

"Riley..." Ryan said in a whisper type tone.

I looked up at him and our lips connected. They moved in sync with one another. Our tongues sliding against each other as the kiss went from tender to intense in an instant. My hands on his muscled biceps, his moved from my shoulders to my back.We pulled apart our eyes still closed and our lips still so close that they could feel each other. I backed away and looked at the floor.

"You didn't hit me this time." Ryan smiled

"Ryan...I..."I whispered

"Riley I know I understand but at least you know how I feel."

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