chapter twenty two

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Phils pov
I was crying. I dont cry often but man, I couldn't help it.

I remembered the last time I cried this much. I was eight years old and my grandma had just died. She was the only one who knew me better than Louise ever would. I miss her.

Louise was over earlier trying to convince me that it would be ok, but then Dan texted her and she thought she could go over to his house and try to explain.

Dan and I had gotten into a huge fight after I met connor. I was such a dick; Why do I have such low self esteem? Why cant I trust my own boyfriend?
"Oh god, what the fuck have I done?" I mumbled. I laid down and closed my eyes, tears still streaming down my face as I remembered everything...

"Why are you lying to me?" I screamed. He had to be lying.

"Phil, babe please calm down, you're scaring me! Connor and I never dated I promise. Phil I would never lie to you." He pleaded, but I was def with rage.

"Admit it, you think he is so much better than me, with his photography and notebook and his no ugy tattoos and gross piercings! Admit it!" I was getting dewyeyed.

Dan started to cry, "Phil, oh god phil, you know thats not true, you know I love you dammit! If that isnt enough for you then I dont know what is!"

I paused, he had never said I love you in person before. "Im sorry..." I whispered, then I got in my car and drove home, leaving dan miles behind me...

I wiped my eyes with the sleeves of my sweatshirt and got onto my computer. I opened mine and dans messages and after fiddling with ideas of what to say, I just typed one sentace.

"I love you too."

And I hit send.


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