Their hearts were willing to meet eachother

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-" And on the days when you feel as small as a grain of sand, I wish you knew you are every single shore I planted my feet on "- { Sidd long , The Boy Who Never Was }

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Ilhan was now laying unconscious on the couch, Hannah was lost, she didn't know what to do, he was in a really bad state he couldn't even open his eyes.

"How did he get himself in this situation ? " Hannah said to herself.

The night was quiet, only her sobbing could be heard, she was so worried about him ! He was covered in snow and was freezing to death, how much did he stay in the streets in this weather ? What happened to him exactly ?

She looked for his room's key in his pockets, and when she found it, she went upstairs quickly and looked for some clothes for him to change.

The room was quiet, she felt surprised when she stepped in because it was her first time being here. His room was normal, a king sized bed and a suitcase next to it, there was no wardrobe, only some items for working out, which means his clothes are in that suitcase. She collected comfortable pants and a big size shirt, then left the room quickly to come back to Ilhan.

When I came back to my house, I found Ilhan still laying on the couch, but the only difference it's his eyes, they were finally open. I run to him quickly and sit next to him in the couch.

" Ilhan, you're awake ! Thank God ! How are you feeling now ? "

He nodded his head to tell me he is okay.

" I'm .....col...ddd " He said while shivering. His lips were blue and his teeth were shaking.

" You're cold ? Okay, look I brought some clothes from your room, you have to change the ones you're wearing because they are wet and then I'll bring you a blanket okay ? "

He nodded and tried to sit so he can change his clothes but he couldn't, he was moaning in pain. I held his hand and helped him, then took off his jacket.

I wish I didn't do it, because as I took off his jacket, I was face to face with a completely bruised torso, he was badly injured and the wounds were bleeding heavily.


" It's...not a big deal...just let me...wear my ....clothes and leave "

" No ! ARE you mad ? How can I let you in this state ? You will die this way, you won't wear your clothes till I cure all your injuries do you understand ? "

He didn't answer me, I think he didn't have the energy to argue with me. I took the first aid kit, and start curing his wounds slowly so he won't feel hurt.

My hands were shaking and I couldn't stop crying, he was really hurt that he was moaning in pain with every slight touch.

" I'm sorry...."

When he noticed her crying, he turned around, because he was backfacing her. He put his hand on her cheek and wiped her tears slowly.

" It's're not hurting me "

She raised her head and looked at him with her innocent teary eyes.

" Who did this to you Ilhan ? "

" You don't need to know " He then turned around once again so he can avoid her questions as much as possible.

I didn't want to ask him more, it's not my business anyway. After I finished with his back, I asked him to turn around so I can cure the wounds on his chest and stomach.

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