Our love will never rose in this dark world.

105 8 1

- " It's been really bad lately. I saw her in my cup of coffee this morning, and again at a red light in the car next to me four times. Last night I was talking to the moon and the only word he knew was her name. And when I asked him if he could speak of anything else, he said : No kid I can't you're in love"

* * * * *

" Mom I'm home" I said to my mom before taking off my coat and cap, I looked around to look for my mom and I saw her getting out of her room with a smile planted on her face.

" Welcome my daughter how was your day ? " she said before giving me a hug.

" It turned out to be good actually, I studied a little bit in the library with Krystal then we went to the mall, and she bought me this dress as a gift, would you like to see it ? "

" Yes of course let me see it " I opened the bag and showed her the red dress my friend bought for me.

" Wow it's very beautiful Hannah, I loved it, but isn't this dress so expensive ? "

" Yeah you're right mom, but what should I do, she insisted so much though I refused to buy it"

" Hannah did you talk to Ilhan today ?"

" No mom I didn't see him all day, I don't know where could he be, and I don't want to know where he is, let's just forget about him mom, he is just our neighbor nothing else "

" Would you keep giving him baking lessons ? "

" If he wants too, I will teach him but he doesn't seem to care about it, he doesn't want to learn anyway, I think he gave up already"

" Well it's his choice, we have nothing to do about it, so Hannah what will we prepare for dinner tonight ? "

" Let's not prepare something at home tonight, how about we order something ?"

" Yeah good idea, how about pizza ? "

" Pizza ? Okay sounds good "

" But Hannah it's snowy outside, I don't think the delivery man will be able to get here "

" Oh yeah you're right, it's okay, I will go to a near pizza restaurant and bring some, what do you say ? "

" Oh no Hannah you can't, it's very dangerous outside, it's dark, let's just prepare something here, it's okay "

" No mom, it's okay, I can go and bring some pizza, the restaurant is very near so it won't take so much time, plus I'm very hungry and I really want some pizza "

" No Hannah, you can't go alone, it's dangerous, if you really want to go, bring Ilhan with you, it's better "

" Ilhan ?! Oh com'on mom you got to be kidding me, you know we can't stand each other, he doesn't like me and he wouldn't want to go with me"

" If I ask him myself, I'm sure he's gonna accept my request"

" No mom don't ask him, you know he is so rude, he will refuse it immediately"

" No he will not, wait I'll call him, maybe your relationship will change a little bit, I hate seeing people hating each other , he is not a bad guy and you're such a sweetheart why would you keep behaving like this ? "

* * * * *

" I'll hung up now okay ? I'll send you all the informations tomorrow, her mom is calling me right now " Ilhan said to the hacker as they were talking to each other on the phone in her room. He hung up and then answered Hannah's mom.

Narcissy faded...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ