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I woke up breathing heavy. I looked around and Edward wasn't here. I started to think about the dream.

I knew they were memories. I made the decision I needed to leave I needed to find answers and the only way I could do that is find Victoria and James.

I got dressed and grabbed Edward's jacket and left him a note. Praying he forgive me for this.

I walked over to the window and open it. I climb over to the tree and climb down. When I get far enough away I turn around.

"Forgive me Edward! I love you but I need to do this." I turned and ran for my house.

I got to my house and noticed Charlie wasn't home. It was a good thing. I went into the house and went into my bedroom.

I grabbed my backpack and emptied it. I want into the bathroom and grabbed all the bandages and medicine so I could change mine bandages.

I walked back into my bedroom and grabbed my cell phone and put it in my bag.

I grabbed my paper and sat down and wrote Edward another Letter knowing he wouldn't listen to me. I left it on my pillow. Then I wrote one to Charlie.

I grabbed my knife out of my draw and put it my bag. I went downstairs and grabbed bottled water and granola bars and put them in my bag.

I put Charles letter on the table and noticed all the newspapers. I looked at them and where they found all the body's.

That's where I need to go. South west of here. I wrote on the newspapers just in case.

I grabbed my truck keys and walked out to my truck. I started it. I stared out the window a minute then I backed out and took off.


I walked back into my room and noticed Bella was gone. I looked everywhere. Then noticed the window opened.

I walked over and looked out. I could see her footprints going into the woods.

Why would she leave? I walked back over towards the bed and saw the note on the pillow.

I sat down on the bed and read it.


I'm sorry I left without saying a word. But I knew you wouldn't of let me go and I need answers.

I need to find the missing pieces to my memories and the only way I can do it is talk to the two people that hurt me.

Please forgive me for this and don't follow me. I need to do this to find myself.

I love you and you always have my heart and I have yours.

Love always and forever

Your Bella

I crinkled the paper in my hand. This can't be happening to me. If she thinks for one minute I'm going to sit here while she's out there she's crazy.

I got up and ran out. "ROSE, JASPER, ALICE,EMMETT,CARLISLE,ESME I NEED YOU!" They all come running into the living room and I showed them Bella's letter.

"Where do you want us to start?" Jasper asked. "From Bella house. I'm going there to search now. We need to know which direction we went in."

At Bella house I walked into Bella's bedroom and seen a note on her bed. I sat down and read it.


If you're reading this I knew you didn't listen to me. And you call me stubborn. Well I'm still doing this. I know you don't like it but I have to do this for me Edward.

No matter what happens I'm glad we did meet and you showed me what it felt like it was to be loved. I have that and I will never forget it.

Love you forever and always

Your Bella

Why does she have to talk like she's not coming back. Wait where's her cell phone. I looked around the house and it wasn't here.

I dialed her number and it went right to her voice mail. I sent her a message on her phone.

I looked at the kitchen table and saw a letter to Charlie plus all the newspapers with Bella's handwriting on it.


That's all it said. I gather up the newspapers and Charlie's note and ran out to my car.

"Edward she headed south west!" Jasper told me with his mind. So that's the direction I headed in.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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