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  I made sure I brought my bandages, in my carry on bags, because I knew I had to change my bandage before the plane landed.

  I thought about how my new school would be like. I hope that everyone would like me. All this will be my new beginning for me!

 Charlie was suppose to meet me at the airport. I have all weekend even tomorrow, to get my room together. I started school on Monday.

 The plane landed and I grab my bags, my baby cactus and walked off plane.

 I started looking for Charlie but didn't see him at first, "Bells sorry I drove straight up here from work!" Great he's in his uniform, which means he drove his cruiser up here.

 We went to baggage claim and got all my luggage, and took it out to the cruiser and loaded it!

 "I'm so glad your early Bells, I don't think I could of lasted a week, longer!" I smiled and said me neither.

 "Oh, Bells on Saturday, Billy and his son Jacob, are bringing your welcome home gift.

 "Isn't Billy the one in the wheel chair." He nods yes. We finally came into the town of Forks. It was late at night, so no one was out.

  We finally pulled into the driveway! "Well we're here Bells!" I haven't been here since I was 8 but it looks the same!

 We grabbed everything from the car and went inside the house. "Are you hungry Bells?" I nodded my head.

 "I'll go use the restroom, then come back down and make myself something to eat."  But Charlie wasn't having none of that though. He said that he take my luggage up and make me something to eat.

 I came back down and he had made grill cheese and tomato soup ready for me. "Just like I was 8 dad, thanks!" He smiled at me.

 We talked about when I was little and what its been like since I had been gone!

 "Well it's getting pretty late and I got to go to work early in the morning, but Saturday I have off though."

 We head upstairs. "I bought you a new bed the sales lady picked out the bedding and I also bought the desk, plus I thought you like grandma Swan's old rocker." I saw all the boxes.

 "What mom do send my whole room here plus half the house!" Charlie laughed! "Good night Bells, see you tomorrow after work."

  I set my baby cactus on the desk and I found a long t-shirt and other things for a shower and that I'll need for my cut, and headed off for a shower!

 It felt good to get into the shower and after the day I had today. I made sure my wound was cleaned really good and I really haven't had a chance all day to clean it good. I hope it doesn't get infected! I got out of the shower and bandaged up my wound.

 I sat on my bed thinking that finally, I'm safe from Victoria and James now. One thing though, I couldn't figure out why they got worse after the month they went missing. Plus they wore sunglasses all the time. Well I don't have to worry about that now.

 Wait a minute! Did Charlie say he had a welcome home gift for me, now how could I have missed that, probably because I had so much on my mind. I hate surprises and I have to wait until Saturday, Damn it Charlie! Well I'm tired and I got a big day of unpacking to do tomorrow and it's a new beginning for me! I fell into a deep sleep!

I do not own all the characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

 I own the rest of the the characters and the story.

Wanting a life change! Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now