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I woke up and my stomach growled. I had got up and gotten dressed and went into the bathroom and I checked my wound. it's healing up slowly but it looks good. I bandaged it back up.

Then I brushed my hair and put it into a ponytail, I also brushed my teeth. I went back into my room and grabbed my hoodie and put on my shoes.

I ran downstairs and I looked for some cereal to eat. Then I grabbed a bowl and a cup from the cupboard then grabbed some juice and milk from the fridge and went and sat next to Charlie.

"So dad what did you get me for a welcome home gift?" Charlie laid the paper down on the table and then turned to me with a smile,

    "Oh no, I'm not telling anything, it's a surprise." I just shook my head. "Damn it! I hate surprises and you know dad." Charlie starts laughing.

"Bells I didn't know such words came from your mouth." I smiled. "I guess I take after my dad more then you know."

We both laughed. "I still hate surprises." Charlie just shook his head and laughed. I asked Charlie if we could order pizza tonight and he said sure.

I told him I was going to go for a walk and that I would be back later. I walked out the door and I went to the spot I went to yesterday. I finally found it and climbed up on the tree that was bent over.

I thought about the noise I heard yesterday here while I was sitting here and was wondering if someone was there and just did not want me to know they were there.

I shrugged it off. I was beginning to think that this was the right choice in making to move here. But the true test will be on Monday though.

I thought how beautiful it is here and how nice it is to hear the animals and the wind. I realized it was time for me to get back, and that Billy and Jacob will be there soon.

As I got closer to the house I started to hear voices up at the house, I walked up and stood next to Charlie.

"Hey Bells, this is Billy Black and his son Jacob." I said hi to the both of them. "Bella you've grown alot, plus your dad hasn't shut up about how happy he was when you asked him for you to move in." I blushed.

"Bells this is your homecoming gift." It was a old red Chevy truck. "Dad I love it thank you so much!"

"I put a lot of new parts in it and got an oil change plus a tune up I hope you can drive a stick." Jacob said.

I nodded my head. Billy said he brought Harry Clearwater famous fish fry. "Let's go see what game is on t.v." Charlie said.

Jacob and I walked in together talking on the way into the house. Charlie pushed Billy's wheelchair inside.

Charlie put Billy beside his chair facing the flat screen tv so they could talk or should I say argue over who's team is going to win. I remember that when I was little doing that in fact I thought it was funny.

Jacob and I sat on the couch couch and started to talked. Then Charlie ask us if we wanted sodas we said yes. I guess while he was in the kitchen he called for a couple of pizza to be delivered.

"Bella, do you have a boyfriend back in Phoenix?"

"No, I mostly kept to myself." I hope he buys that cause I'm not going to telling anyone my secret.

"So Bella you looking forward to starting a new school on Monday?" Billy asked me. "Well yes and no. I'm nervous about it being a new school and new people. But excited for the change."

The pizza finally got here so Charlie and I went into the kitchen and got plates out of the cupboard and silverware out and we all grabbed pizza and some fish and went back to living room, to eat.

Sure enough on cue Charlie and Billy were fighting over whose team was going to win. I just shook my head and laughed.

"So Bella you should come down to the res sometime you can meet my friends they're all pretty cool to hang with." Jacob told me.

"I just might have to take you up on that offer sometime Jacob. It sounds like a lot of fun."

I thought it was pretty cool Jacob invited me to the res. "What's there to do on the res Jacob?" I asked. "Well I hang out with my friends and go to the beach, work on cars, that's pretty much it."

"What was there to do in Phoenix?" Jacob asked. Why did he have to ask me that now I have to make up something or do I. I can tell the truth without exposing why I came here can't I.

"Well to be honest, Phoenix does not compare to here. Its boring in Phoenix. I kept to myself mostly. Its not beautiful like it is here. All you mostly see is desert. Here you have beautiful forest no noises. You can here nature here."

Charlie, Billy, and Jacob all looked at me funny. "What was it something I said?"

"You more or less said you like it better here then you do in Phoenix Bells." Charlie said. "I guess I did." Charlie had the biggest grin on his face. I think I just made his day.

It was getting late. So Billy and Jacob decide to call it a night. "It's good to have you back Bella." Billy told me.

"Thank you Billy. It's nice to be back." Charlie and I sat up a little while longer. "Bells I got to go into work tomorrow."

"Then dad could you leave me some money please! So I can go shopping tomorrow?" He nods his head.

We needed regular food in the house so I could cook Charlie home cooked meals. Plus I needed to get stuff to clean the house with. It looks like he hasn't cleaned in here for awhile either.

I told Charlie I was going to go take a shower and go to bed. We both said night to each other and then I went upstairs.

I went and grabbed my stuff for the shower and my long t-shirt and my stuff to redo my wound with.

I finally climbed into bed. I thought about the day. I had actually made a friend for the first time in my life I was so happy.

My life might just be better here!

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and story.

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