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As I walked into the cafeteria, I could hear what Angela was saying about me. "That's Edward Cullen. He so gorgeous. But of course no one here is good enough for him." Angela told her.

I looked over to their table and could see her eyes. They were a deep chocolate brown. It was like I could see into her soul. But I could not read her mind.

Alice kicked me and I lost my train of thought. I gave Alice an glare. "Edward why do you keep looking at that table?"

She asked me with her mind so the others would not hear us. "I will tell you later Alice." Something caught me off guard, that I never would hear Jessica do or say to someone on there first day.

   "What makes her so special to Mike. She's not even good looking. I mean look at the way she's dressed. She don't even try to make an effort to make herself to look pretty or nothing."

Where does Jessica get off saying stuff like that. She doesn't even know who the girl even is. Wait, what am I saying. I'm defending her. I don't even know her much less I can't even read her mind.

I got up and walked to Biology class. I sat in the stool by the window where I always sit. I heard Mike tell Mr. Banner that this was the new student, Isabella Swan. l looked up and there she was standing in the doorway.

"Miss. Swan, please take a seat next to Mr. Cullen." Now I could get a chance to see if I could read her mind. But when she walked by the fan, her blood was so sweet. I wanted her. No I had to hold back the monster within me. I scooted as close to the window as I could get. But she sat next to me and it was much more appealing to me.

She covered the left side of her face with her hair. I could hear her heart race. But could not hear her mind. Why was she so different?

The bell finally rung, and I went at a human pace as fast as I could out of the room out to my car. I turned on my music it was classical.

"Edward, are you okay?" Alice asked me with her mind, before she sat next to me in the car.

"It's the new girl. Her blood smells so sweet to me and I can't read her mind!"

Alice looks at me for a minute. " Do you mean Bella Swan?" I raise an eyebrow and was confused at the name. "Oh, you only heard Isabelle, she prefers Bella, Edward." Now that Alice cleared that part up.

"Alice I got to ask you to promise me something!" She says ok. "Don't tell anyone that I can't read her mind, or about the blood, Please!" She agreed. She went to meet Jasper and I went to the office to talk to the Secretary.

"I need to know if there is there is any openings 5th period so I can switch out of biology class?" As she looks on the computer I hear the door open behind me but don't hear no one's mind.

"Sorry, Mr. Cullen, there is not any so you have to stay in biology." Then I start hearing a heartbeat racing. I turn and it was Bella Swan. I turned and walked out and went and stood by my car and waited for everyone.

We were all talking and Bella ran past me as fast as she could. I noticed when she got into the red truck she paused for a minute then sped up a little. Almost like she was upset or something.

I made a quick decision to go check on her. I don't know why but I knew I had to. I threw the keys to Jasper and told them I had something to do that I'd be home later.

  "Edward, please don't do nothing stupid!" Alice said with her mind. I responded with my mind. "I won't I promise. I just have to make sure she alright." I turned and headed for the woods, towards chief Swan house.

Once I got in the woods I started to run. I was trying to figure out why Bella Swan's blood smelled so much sweeter to me and why can't I read her mind.

Now I have this strong feeling to go check on her I don't understand none of this. I was brought out my train of thought when I heard someone crying. So I stopped running and looked around and saw that it was Bella Swan. Why is she crying?

Then I hear her ask something, "Is someone there? I didn't move or speak. How can she sense me here? I shrug it off.

Then she looked at her cell phone, and she got up and walked towards Charlie's house.

During dinner Charlie asked how her first day at school was she said it was ok. Then she went upstairs after a few minutes. I decided to climbed the tree and I heard the shower running.

She finally came into the room. Bella cell phone started to ring and it was her mother.

She asked Bella how school was. Bella told her it was fine. Then her mom asked her if there were any cute boys in school. Bella told her she had to go and Bella started crying. Why in the hell is she crying.

For some reason I had this sudden urge to go to her and hold her. But I knew I couldn't.

Why does this gotta be so hard and confusing and what are these feelings. So many new feeling. I don't know how to think straight.

I don't own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and story.

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