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I was in a dream but it was strange because it was like a glimpses of my past. But it was when I did wear dresses and Randy was in it. Then the dream changed and Edward was in it we were together. We were laughing with each other and kissing. Then it changed again. James was on top of me. Except he had red eyes.

I was fighting to get him off of me he was trying to rape me. I woke up screaming.

That's when I started having nightmares and flashes of memory I guess that what you would call it.

I sat there and ran my hand through my hair. I sighed hoping that Edward would be in school today. For some reason I missed him.

I finally got up and got ready for school. It's been a few days and still no Edward. I feel horrible that he left school because of me. Jessica and Lauren keep giving me evil looks too.

Plus the murders are getting worse, and Charlie has not been coming home until later every night. I don't see him anymore.

I got to school, and I walked over to Angela. Then I heard Mike.

"Arizona, what's up?" I really wish Mike would not talk to me or Tyler would not kiss me on the cheek it just makes things worse with Jessica and Lauren.

Angela and I walked to English class. "Bella are you ok?"

"Yea, why do you ask?"

"Because you seem to be upset about something." Am I that noticeable I really need to try to hide it better.

"I'm fine! It's just my dad been working really late hours and I'm just worried about him that's all."

I went to my locker before I went to my next class and notice something in there. I grabbed it and it was a picture of my school in Phoenix.

I looked around to see if anyone would of done this but nothing. I turned the picture over and it had written on it REMEMBER. Remember what? I scratched the top of my head. I just put the picture aside. Not thinking much of it at the time.

Then Tyler walked up and kissed me on the cheek and made me jump. But stopped in his tracks
"Bella you alright?" He took me out of my of thoughts, "UMM, yeah I'm fine."

He looked at me for a moment. "I'm here if you need someone to talk to okay." I just nodded my head and turned walked to lunch he followed me there. When we walked in Jessica and Lauren saw us.

Lauren was hitting her fist against her other hand. I really did not care at the time I had other things on my mind.

I looked over to the Cullen table just hoping Edward had came back but he wasn't there. I know I'm not suppose to feel this way but I miss him and I wanted to fix things. I feel bad that it was my fault that he left.

"Hey Angela, can you come stay the night at my house tonight I can use the company because Charlie been working so late and we can come to school together tomorrow."

"Sure just let me call my parents right now and we can stop at my house after school and then head to your house."

I called Charlie to and he thought it was a good idea, due to the fact lately he's been working late hours and he felt bad leaving me alone all the time.

I waited for Angela so we could go to her house so she could grab some stuff for the night. We headed for my house.

"Bella can we talk, well I been waiting for Eric to ask me to be his girlfriend for a really long time now. But he won't and I know he likes me and I really like him too."

"Then you should ask him Angela, if you believe it to be true in your heart and he says yes then he will say yes."

She asked me if I ever had a boyfriend. I told her never. She asked me if I was joking. I told her nope. I also told her the close I ever came to kissing a guy is Tyler kissing me on the cheek. We just both looked at each other and laughed.

"Bella I believe you'll find that special someone. It might only take seeing him once and then you might not see that person for a while, you start to miss them and have other feelings pop up. But when they come back you have these other feelings you just can't describe. I know this because it happened to me with Eric."

"I think you call that your soul mate and true love in my book Angela."

For the rest of the night we talked about everything except my secret of course. I will never tell anyone about me being beaten up, teased, stabbed, among other stuff.

We got to school the next day. "I'll meet up with you at English class Bella. Wish me luck I'm going to go talk to Eric."
I gave her a hug and smiled at her, "You can do this Angela, good luck." I walked to my locker and open it and found a note in it this time but it did not make no sense at all.


What the hell is this suppose to mean. Remember what yet. I put it in my backpack and just shut my locker and head off to English class, hopefully Angela had some good luck on her side.

I seen Angela with a big grin on her face. I sat down next to her.

"Well tell me don't keep me in suspense." She turned and looked at me. "He said yes Bella." We both hugged. She was so happy. "Thank you so much Bella I don't think I would of done it without you encouragement." I told her she was welcome.

I was just so happy I could do good for someone. I just wish I could do that for the Cullen's Family.

I walked into the lunchroom. I looked over to the Cullen table and still no Edward. I wanted to just cry.

"Arizona, So what is up with you. You don't have a boyfriend and you keep turning me down for a date. What's up with that?" I was shocked he asked me that.

"Well I guess I'm not ready to date no one yet. Or I just haven't found the right person yet." His mouth dropped open in shock.

I got up and went to the restroom. I came out of the stall and there was Jessica and Lauren standing there with there arms crossed.

Great now what did I do? All of sudden Lauren hits me in the mouth with her fist. Then grabs me and slams me into the wall.

"I thought I told your ugly ass to stay away from Tyler and Mike or else.

She hits me in the gut and knocks the wind out of me and I fall to the ground. The next thing I knew she's kicking me in the ribs and my stomach and my side where my wound is still healing. I couldn't move.

"Now Bitch it will be even worse if it don't stop." She slams the side of my face into the side of the sink.

They walk out finally. I fell to the floor. I think I laid on the floor for awhile before I got up and turned on the water and finally washed my face off.

Angela finally walked in, "Bella are you alright, what happen to you?"

I looked at her trying to figured out how she knew I was here. "I had missed my stepped and fell against the sink. How you know I was here?"

"Alice Cullen. She came and got me. She had told me she seen you go in and then seen Jessica and Lauren go in. They came out but you never did. She got worried and came and got me."

It was finally the end of the day so I was glad to be able to go home. I went to my spot and sat there crying and wishing Edward was here so I could at least fix one thing and make it right. But I knew that wasn't going to happen. He was gone and probably for good and it was all my fault.

I finally went back to the house and went into the bathroom. I looked at the damage that was done to me by Lauren.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I hopped into the shower and just relaxed until I was ready to get out. I finally just went to bed to put an end to this awful day.

But I was so wrong. My nightmares started again.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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