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I woke up and looked at the clock and it said 7 a.m. So I got up and got dressed and put my shoes on and my hoodie on. I grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom.

I looked at my wound and think in a few more days maybe I won't have to cover it no more. But there will be another scar. Well at least I won't have to worry about Victoria or James hurting me anymore though.

I brushed my teeth and my hair and put it up in a ponytail. I went back to my room sat my bag down and put my baseball cap on.

I ran downstairs and went into the kitchen. I reached into the cupboards and grabbed the cereal and a bowl. I went to the table and sat down. There was a note there from Charlie and money laying beside it.


Here is some money for food and household needs and I threw in a little extra for your personal needs, well you know what I mean. I'll be home at 5 or a little after. Oh, Bells I'm really glad you're here too.



I tapped my finger on the note. "I'm glad I'm here to Charlie." I had finished my breakfast, and I put my dishes in the sink. I grabbed my keys and jacket, wallet, and the money and headed out the door.

I had gotten everything I needed from the store I needed plus stuff for me. I just had to make one more stop and that was to the pharmacy to get stuff for my wound. Once I gotten everything I finally headed home and put everything away.

I had first started on all the laundry, and started cleaning up the whole house. Did Charlie ever dust anything in this house. I thought to myself.

I went upstairs and took the bedding off of Charlie bed and my bed, and took them downstairs and put them into the washer.

By the time I had everything done it was around 2 pm. So I had decided to make my homemade sauce for homemade lasagne tonight.

I thought it be nice for Charlie to come home to the his first meal I made to one of my favorite meals to make. But it takes the longest but Charlie was worth it I think.

So I got that started and started the water for the noodles and I got started on my bread for cheesy garlic bread so it can bake before the lasagna goes in the oven and then get it sliced up for the topping. I decide on broccoli for veggie. I hope Charlie likes it!

I get everything done except for for baking the lasagna and it's 4:30 now and it takes about an hour to bake and I can throw the cheesy garlic bread in half hour before its down.

It was a little after 5 and I heard Charlie's cruiser pull up. Charlie walks in the door. "Hey Bells I'm home what smells so good?" He hangs his jacket and his gun belt. He also put his gun in the gun safe. "Its dinner dad."

Charlie walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge and mumbles to himself. "So that's what a fridge looks like with food in it. Call me when dinner's ready Bells."

I hear him moving around in the living room until the tv came on. "Bells did you clean in here?" I giggled. "Yes, dad I did. Why?"

"It just well looks nice, thank you!" I put a smile on my face. "Thanks dad, your welcome."

I went back to finish up cooking and setting the table. The timer goes off on stove and I take the lasagna and cheesy bread out of oven. I turned everything off.

I made sure the lasagna was cut up I put it all on the. "Dad dinners ready. "He walks into the kitchen. "I hope it tastes as good as it smells." My cheeks turn red. "I hope so I made everything homemade dad."

We filled our plates and Charlie started to act like he was starving. "Bells this is really good." Charlie even had seconds.
We finally get done eating. Charlie pats his stomach, "I'm stuffed, that was really good Bells. I'll help you with dishes it's the least I can do for a good, meal."

We get everything put away and the dishes done. We went into the living room and watch tv for awhile.

"Dad I'm going to take a shower and get ready for bed, I got a long day tomorrow."

We both said night night to each other and I headed upstairs and took a shower and went to bed for the night.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

Wanting a life change! Book OneKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat