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"Bella I'm so sorry this is happening to you. But I'm here for you if you want to just talk. I know you're hiding so much and all I want to do is just help if you'll let me!"

I looked into his eyes but I just couldn't do it so I tried to get up because so i couldn't look into his eyes when I say to him, "I don't know if I can Edward."

But my legs couldn't hold me up and my head started getting light headed and Edward caught me before I fell.

"That's wasn't a good idea please sit." We start hearing a bunch of noises on the other side of the van. I looked at Edward "I'm scared!"

He looks up at me. "Bella you're going to be alright." I bit my bottom lip and shook my head, "I shouldn't of done that. But that's not what I'm scared of Edward. I'm scared of opening up to anyone, or trusting anyone."

We just looked at each other because we could not say anything.

The van was pulled away at the same time as I finished saying that. Angela came running up to me. Edward went to get up and I reached out and grabbed his arm.

He turned and looked at me. "Bella I won't be far behind I promise you. So just please let the paramedics work on you." I let go and watched him walk away.

They put and IV in my arm and a whole bunch of other stuff. But did they have to put a damn backboard and neck brace on me. "Angela, does my dad know" I asked her.

"I called him and he said he meet us at the hospital as soon as he can."

"Angela don't leave me please." She said she wouldn't. Angela was a very good friend to me.

"Edward, where is he?" Angela looked out of the back of the ambulance, "He right behind us Bella."

Angela took my hand into hers. "Angela, Edward saved my life. I could of died if it wasn't for him."

She looked at me for a minute. "Bella you are so lucky that a hot guy saved your life, wait rephrase that, gorgeous guy." We laughed

"Ouch! Quit, it hurts to laugh. But thank you I needed a good laugh."

Leave it to Angela to make me laugh when I feel so bad. We had gotten to the hospital and they on loaded me from the ambulance and put me in a room. They made Angela go into the waiting room.

I wish they get me off this backboard and get this neck brace off of me. It's very uncomfortable.

"Hey, how you feeling?" I heard Edward's voice and I started to feel a little relax when I heard his voice. "Well lets see I hurt like hell. I have a IV in my arm, plus I'm strapped to this stupid ass backboard, a neck brace on both unnecessary, so you tell me how I feel!" I could hear him walk over to me.

"Well, you probably feel as bad as you look." Then he laughed "Haha very funny Edward." If I could turn my head I would.

"I'm sorry Bella! Tell you what I'll go talk to my dad and see what he can do about seeing you sooner." He walked out of my view.

I heard someone walk in. I'm here to draw some blood."Oh crap, Needles I hate needles." Just a little prick."

Dr. Cullen finally came in. "Well my son tells me you guys had a bad day!" I nodded. "Can you please get this backboard off me please! Plus this neck brace. They really aren't necessarily."

He looks at my chart. "Not until we get x-rays and cat scans."

"UGGH! Damn it! I'm really starting to hate this." Dr. Cullen smile and laughed a little. "I'll see what I can do about getting it a rushed for you."

Wanting a life change! Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now