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I finally walked over to the door and looked back at Bella and watched her just for a second and then walked through the door.

I went and sat down and put my face into my hands. "Son it will be ok.I know you care about her."

I picked my head and looked up at him, "Umm, Well I think it's little more then that Carlisle. See if my heart was still beating, when I'm close to her it would beat faster and if anything were happen to her it would stop beating. Plus I realized today I want to be her. I kissed her today. I don't want to be with anyone else but her."

Carlisle looked at me for a minute, "Son I'm so happy for you. You finally found someone you love." He Smiled up at me. I could not help but smile back.

We then started hearing noises from the examine room. "Is anyone suppose to be in that room, nurses, anyone?"

Carlisle looked at me. "No I told everyone that room was off limits, due that I had a patient coming into the room."

Then we heard glass shattered up against the door. We looked at each other and knew then something was wrong.

We knew then that it must've been Bella who thrown something against the door.

We got up and open the door and there was what looked like a male nurse over in the corner where Bella was she had her head covered "Victoria will be pleased, that I had gotten you with no problems."

"Edward, Bella got some explaining to do, but we need to get this guy out of her so we can get to Bella." Carlisle told me with his mind so the guy didn't hear us.

The guy turned and also had red eyes like Victoria did. He ran out of the room Carlisle ran out after him.

I kneeled down by Bella and put my hand on her but she would not move. So I put my hand on her chest over her heart, "This is mine!" She slowly lifted her head and turned and looked up at me. She crawled over to me and wrapped her arms around me as tight as she could, and whispered in my ear.

"Don't let go of it either!" I wrapped my arms around her. "I never will Bella."

She looks around. "James where is he?" I look at her a minute. "He ran out, Bella, why is there a lot of blood?"

She was looking around, "Edward, it's me James pushed me into the corner and I hit my wound, and I don't feel so good either now."

I looked down at her side, and seen blood coming through her gown. I picked her up and gently laid her on the bed. "CARLISLE I NEED YOUR HELP!" He come running in.

He lifted Bella's gown up. There was a lot of blood."Edward I need to get her to the operating room, she loosing a lot of blood I can not get it under control here.

"Edward, I feel funny." Bella says to me, she reaches for me, I took both her hands into mine and she looks up at me and then she goes limp.

"Bella, Bella, wake up, come on look at me please. Carlisle what's happening!"

He pushes me out of the way. "She unconscious, Edward. I need to take her now."

I walk back over to Bella and took one of her hands and placed it on my heart and took my other hand and placed it on over her heart and whisper her in her ear.

"Don't let go, please you have my heart now so whatever you do you hold my heart now and I hold your heart, but please never let go and come back to me. I'm right here waiting for you I promise you!" I kissed her soft lips and watch Carlisle as he pushed her away.

I look down at my hands and seen her blood on my hands. I started feeling something wet fall from my eyes, but at the moment I really did not care.

Wanting a life change! Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now