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Alright I know I don't really do authors notes but her goes: thanks for reading, seriously. I have no idea where this story is going to end but I love that you all stick around. This one is for minfinitykook
Because your comments make me smile, and I want you to know you're appreciated and loved. Thank you all for reading, writ g is my happy place no I don't know where I'd be without all of you. 💜

I lay in bed a few nights later, and listen to the sound of Jungkook pacing around in the bathroom. It breaks my heart and i find myself sitting outside the door before i can even think twice.

He stops pacing, and i watch as his shadow moves towards the door as he sits on the ground.

A thump sounds on the door from his side, and i lean my head towards the spot where it came from. He lets out a sigh of relief and i smile.

"You okay?" He's quiet at the sound of my voice, and i wonder what he's thinking.

"It's over, but i still can't face you." I sigh and place my hand on the door, i swear i can feel his warmth through the wood.

"I'm sorry about your tail." He lets out a small chuckle and i grin.

"It's okay. I'm glad you did it."

It's my turn to be quiet as i listen to the soft sounds of his breathing.

I reach my hand up and open the door, he scrambles away as it swings towards him and shoots me a look. He looks so guilty, i reach forward and entwine our hands. He stares at them before looking up at me again.

"It's okay i promise." He bites his lip and i sigh, standing and yanking him up by his hand. He stands and looks at me with wide eyes, which i find adorable.

"Come on." I pull him to my room and he stops in the doorway and gives me a hard look.

"I won't do anything as long as you don't but...i missed you." My voice goes quiet at the end and he groans, rubbing at his face as he tries to make a decision.

"Okay. But just know this is literally already killing me." I give him a shy smile as he follows me to the bed and lays down softly.

He tries to keep a distance as he pulls the covers over us, but my heart starts to ache having him so close but not close enough.

"Jungkook?" He makes a soft humming noise as i hesitate wondering if i should ask.

"You okay?" I glance over to find him watching me with eyes softer than silk, and i physically stop myself from leaning closer.

"Do you like me?" He blinks twice, and my nerves start to go haywire as i wait for him to speak. Instead of answering he just grins, and i realize he's laughing at me.

"Why are you laughing? I'm serious-"

"I do. I like you Mari, and i have no way to explain just how i feel when i see you, or when we're close like this. I'm laughing because you didn't know, i mean i'm not the best at hiding my emotions." He won't look at me and his eyes glance everywhere as he finishes, and I know he is just as nervous to admit this.

"Do you like me?"

I bite my lip and shift towards him, and as soon as we touch he relaxes and entwines himself with me. Our legs  tangle and his arm comes beneath my head, while i bury my face in his chest.

"I think i do."

"You think?"

I smile against his chest, ignoring the part of me trying to convince me this is crazy. I also push away all the fear of being so close to someone, and giving away a piece of myself again.

I know it is crazy, to feel so complete with some half human guy i met not long ago but that doesn't change how i feel.

"I do."

He makes a cute little noise in the back of his throat that i can tell means he's pleased to hear it.

His fingers run through my hair as we drift off to sleep, and i finally feel at home again.

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