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I turn in his arms at the pain in his voice.

"Jungkook it's okay. I'm here i promise but-"

"NO!" He buries my head in his chest and tries to drag me away from the others.

I may not know where we stand but there was no way i was gonna let him regret this later on. If he felt guilty i'd never be able to figure out what this is, he'd be too ashamed to come near me.

He's too proud to let himself anywhere near me after something like that.

So i do the one thing Jin told me never to do, and i grab his tail.

He freezes, but doesn't let me go. I grit my teeth and rub my fingers over the soft fur before gripping it tightly. His legs go weak and he drop to his knees, and i don't let go as i crouch next to him.

"Mari why-"

"I'm sorry....i'm sorry but i'm not about to let you have your way with me and regret it." His eyes meet mine as he pouts. His eyes are glossy and he licks his lips. I grip his tail again and he moans, and i almost let go.

"Someone please come help me!" The boys suddenly unfreeze and jump into action, dragging the boy into the bathroom before locking it.

"You grabbed his tail." I cover my face in shame as Namjoon gapes at me.

"You know that makes us-" I shake my head and curl up in a ball, but Jungkook's scent covers my hands. My heart goes crazy.

"I know. it makes you crazy! But i needed him to stop trying to drag me away to devour me!!"

"It doesn't make us crazy it makes us insanely horny-" I jump up and run to my room ignoring Yoongi's teasing.

Jungkook was already beyond help when his heat started, but his mind was so focused on me i needed to distract him. But now every time he moans from the bathroom it's not animal sounds.

it's my name.

Jimin makes his way to my bed as i sit in a ball of embarrassment, and he sighs as he sees me.

"It's okay Mari. We would have eventually done the same we were just surprised you had the guts to do it." I peek through my fingers shamefully and he gives me a smile that makes it impossible to ignore him.

"Now he's stuck in there worse than Yoongi was." Jimin shrugs and rubs my back. I let out a sigh and listen to Jungkook from the bathroom down the hall.

"He likes you a lot" I glance up at him in surprise, but he just gives me a sad smile.

"Tae touching you is what set it off, that's why it was so strong right from the beginning. usually it builds slowly so we have time." He trails off at the end and i rub my face in frustration.

"I know it sounds weird but...i think i like him too. That's why i didn't want him to ruin it when he's running on animal instinct." Jimin pulls me to lean on his shoulder and i smile softly at his kindness.

"I get that. It would never be the same."

"right? that's what i thought."

He sits with me a while longer and tells me about all of the awkward mishaps they've been through with their heats before. I was literally crying from laughing so hard when he told me about the time Yoongi and Jhope overlapped and kissed before either of them realized what was happening.

It's nice, and seeing him smile makes everything seem like it'll be okay.

"Chim, you're literally the sweetest person i've ever had the pleasure of knowing. I hope you know i'm grateful you're here." He lets out a cute giggle and i see him flush in embarrassment.

"Mari, i'm not the sweetest. You are!" I laugh as he puts his hand to his cheek and pouts.

"Seriously? You're too cute!" He smacks my arm and i do the same, and soon we're a mess of giggles and smacking.

"Really though Mari, thank you for having us here. We all adore you, but don't tell Yoongi i said so." He winks at the end and i laugh.

"Trust me, i know the biggest softie is actually that cute kitty. He just has to put up a tough front because caring about us isn't swag enough." Jimin bursts out in laughter so loud Namjoon ends up coming in to make sure we're okay.

"You guys okay?"

Jimin and i glance at each other after seeing his worried eyes.

"YES DAD!" I laugh so hard i can barely breathe as Jimin sticks his tongue out at Namjoon, who just rubs his neck and bows softly before leaving with pink cheeks.


We roll around in a fit of giggles, and eventually i forget all about the boy in the bathroom down the hall.

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