"People who will just have to do without us"

When Lorraine didn't protest any further, he knew the extent of her exhaustion and offered her to bed.

*  *  *

Dylan and Lorraine returned to New York after they stopped over at California for a little time In the sun.

Dylan got home from work and was informed of Lorraine's whereabouts.

She had gone shopping, something she used to dread.

More for the baby than for herself. She had full and heavy bags when she returned home, but scurried off to the baby's room before any of the maids saw her, making non of them know of her arrival.

She was leaving for her room when she heard of Dylan's arrival, and almost immediately heard Eliza.

What is she doing here in New York?

Dylan turned around to see his little sister after the maid let her in "You didn't tell me you'll be visiting" Dylan said quizzically

"Dylan we need to talk, it's urgent" was all Eliza said walking to his study.

Lorraine got worried about her tone and went to check what was going on.

"What is it we need to talk about?" Dylan asked not even daring to sit down "is it Mom, is she okay?" he asked

"It's about Dad. . . About you and Dad actually" Eliza said just right when Lorraine got to the front of the door

"What about him?" Dylan racked his fingers through his hair

"Well it's also about his will, your inheritance and the baby you and Lorraine are expecting"

Lorraine was almost leaving but the talk about her baby stopped her in her tracks.

"What are you talking about Elizabeth?" Dylan narrowed his eyes at his sister

"You'll need to be seated when you hear this" she gestured her hand to the sofa for them to seat. The work table seamed too formal, him seating across the table from her won't feel right.

"I'm listening" Dylan said

Eliza heaved a sigh and started "I know everything"

"Every what?" Dylan asked shocked at her words

"Everything about you and Lorraine" she continued

"What are you talking about?" he tried to remain cool

"I know you two are not really married. . . Like a real couple" she said making Lorraine gasp and Dylan widen his eyes

"Why would you say such thing?. You know Lorraine and I married legally" Dylan stood up abruptly

"Look, I know it was a business arrangement between you two" she sighed "I also know she used to work at a bar" she bent Her head to play with her fingers in guilt

"Where did you learn this?" Dylan asked walking to his table "And where are you getting at with all of this?"

She sighed in relief "I'm happy you're not denying it anymore" she stood up "look, I love Lorraine but if George, Dad's lawyer, know the reason I'm here. If he finds out he'll ruin her. . . I mean the both of you.
Dad gave him the power to a long time ago"

Hearing Lorraine could get hurt made his blood boil. "Tell me everything you know now"

"It was a few weeks before Dad died, I was in his office as usual, using his computer for my transactions and all when I heard him and his lawyers enter into the adjoining study. They all started talking seriously almost immediately, Dad was saying he wanted to change his will and all those crappy things business men talk about. He mentioned you and that's What caught my attention.

Married for his business.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin