Park Hotel

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07:17 pm

You were running late once again, Jimin said he needed you at 7 pm and you were just getting there. Applying makeup to cover the scratches and bruises on your knees from the previous night was the main reason you were late. Carefully, you got out of the taxi trying not to ruin the long silky burgundy-colored dress.

You entered the grand hall of Park's hotel. It was a five-star wondrous palatial building that would leave anyone astonished for a moment. Your heels were knocking against the splashy marble flooring as you walked and looked around through the mass of people searching for him, but couldn't quite spot him. Most of the people were quite unfamiliar. It was some sort of glamorous ball and Jimin probably needed you to act as his girlfriend.

His explanation of the event was rough and the only information he mentioned was that it was important for the influential people in the country. The classical music played by the orchestra and people's behavior made the whole hotel and event seem beyond the first class.

As you were going through the crowd, looking left and right hoping to see his recognizable ash hair, you completely understood that the people were most definitely influential. Your parents would have probably been there too, as owners of a massive insurance company, but they were away. While you were looking left and right and nodding to people whose eyes met yours, someone grabbed you by the wrist from behind. You turned around and saw a well-known person, dressed like a million dollars right in front of you.

"Mr. Kim?" you stared at the somber Italian suit tailored to his size. His loving deep-set eyes were keen and wide open as they met yours.

"Exactly," he smiled politely, "Didn't expect to see you here Mrs. Jung."

"Same Mr. Kim. Why are you here?" you tried to hide your shyness as you remembered the short and awkward history between the two of you.

"I could ask you the same," he was charming and handsome, and almost made you forget why you were there in the first place.

"I'm looking for Jimin. Sorry I'm already late, he'll be mad," you turned to walk away before your heart burst, but he tightened the grip on your hand forcing you to stay in place.

"Didn't I tell you," he leaned closer and whispered "I don't share. And it's not safe to be here. At least not tonight. And dressed like that," he eyed you from head to toe and back.

Despite your inner self jumping from excitement and euphoria, and his intimidating expression, you kept your act together, for the first time:

"Well, you didn't really make me yours so you don't have anything to share. And the only thing not safe here-"

"Y/N!" a high-pitched voice called behind you.

You turned and saw Jimin, walking towards you with a glass of red wine in his left hand.

His slender body was decorated with a flamboyant navy blue suit and a pair of silver round earrings.

"Good evening, Mr. Kim," he smiled at the handsome lawyer respectfully. 

"Hello Park," Jin returned the smile. However, their intense and hostile glare signaled that there was no sight of friendliness between the two of them. And the way how Jin would always call Jimin just Park, and how Jimin sipped Mr. Kim through his teeth in a mocking passive-aggressive tone.

Do they hate each other for some reason? Didn't Mr. Kim help Jimin... You were confused and curious but decided to not bother your pretty head with it and just took Jimin's glass of wine. 

"Let's go Jimin," you said before taking a sip of the drink.

"Park, can I have her for the night?" Mr. Kim asked making you empty the whole glass trying to avoid eye contact with either one of them.

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