Walking On The Line

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You got dressed quickly. The clothes he brought you were yours, a white cotton shirt, denim pants, a white sweater and...? That was it. No underwear. 

Hoseok apparently wasn't thinking much, but you couldn't really blame him. Mr. Kim has probably told him that you needed a change of clothes and not a complete change. You were so insecure about putting on a shirt without a bra and hoped that the sweater will cover everything.

You looked yourself in the mirror and towel-dried hair as fast as possible.

Your cheeks were still red from the hurry and adrenaline. Lips were red and dry since you bit them the whole time. 

Before leaving the bathroom you put the clothes you slept in into the bag and disposed a towel in the dirty laundry basket. 

You paused to scan the dirty materials that inhabited the basked. It was half full and everything seemed black. Not thinking much about it, you placed the towel in and closed it.

As you were going down the stairs you noticed Jin was in the kitchen. He was making coffee. When he noticed your presence, he turned around and eyed you.

"Um, my shoes?" You signaled towards your bare feet.

"Down the hallway, before the exit door." he showed you the path with his hand.

"Thanks" you smiled and promptly disappeared out of his eyesight.

"No problem, just be more responsible next time" he tossed.

"You are not coming?" you questioned while putting your sneakers on.

"No, I have some work to finish," he replied. His velvety voice echoed through space.

"Oh," you mumbled and reached for the doorknob. Your body was still facing the hallway that leads to the living room where Jin was. You were waiting for him to escort you out, but he wasn't coming. You didn't even hear the footsteps.

"Goodbye Mr. Kim!" you shouted, hoping he would appear around the corner.

"Goodbye Y/N." he boomed. Hearing him say your name made your weak and traumatized heart skip a beat. 

You abruptly pressed the doorknob and stepped outside.

It was a nice, mid-spring day. You took in a deep breath and let the sunlight and warm breeze caress your face.

Hoseok's red SUV was parked under the tall birch tree. You strolled towards them and got into the front seat.

He put down his phone as you got in and smiled, showing all of his white beautiful teeth.

"Hi Hobi" you smiled back.

"Hey lil sis, how was your night?" he inquired.

"I... Please don't ask anything" You didn't want to think about that. Where do you even begin? And he already knew everything.

"Since when do you feel ashamed in front of me?" Hoseok started his car and parked them out.

"I'm not, you already know more detail than I remember probably," you said while looking at your phone that has just vibrated.

One new message from Jimin.

Suddenly you remembered the hostile energy you had felt last night between him and Mr. Kim. Jimin was warmhearted and good. He would get that angry only if something he really hated happened.

"How does Jinim know Mr. Kim?" you wondered.

"I don't know, may have helped Jimin with some legal things, as he helps us," Hoseok answered. 

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