Is that all you can do?

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Fuck, fuck, fuck not again. You mentally slammed yourself in the face while examining the man standing few meters away from you.

He chuckled and crossed his arms while looking at you. Well, I'm done. God knows what he thinks of me now.

He scanned you head to toe, making you feel even more uncomfortable and self-aware. 

Two nights in a row you manage to embarrass yourself without even trying, way to go!

"Y/N, let Jin drive you home I have some things left to do," Hoseok commanded and hurried back toward his red SUV.

"No, I'll walk. And I am not leaving Jimin again," you were stubborn.

Hoseok paused and inhaled deeply. You could tell he was counting in his head, giving you time to change your mind and behave. However, you decided not to budge. He doesn't own you, and he cannot command you without giving any prior explanation.

His lips formed a thin line as he jerked his head back as if he was trying to shake off his thoughts.

"Look, just handle it, I don't care," Hoseok looked at the handsome man, dressed all in black like a phantom, and got into his car.

You waited for Hoseok to start his car and disappear into the darkness before proceeding with your stubbornness.

"Well, goodbye then," you said and passed by Jin, but he grabbed your hand and stopped you.

His hand was ice cold again as if he doesn't have blood in his body.

"Don't be a brat and get in, I don't have time for this either," he was glaring daggers into you which sent shivers down your spine.

Yeah, no one ever has time for me.

"And I don't have any intention in listening to people who don't have time for me," you yanked your hand from his grip and continued to march away.

"Well blood aint water that's for sure..." he mumbled and started following you. After a minute you stopped and turned around to face him.

"Why are you following me? Can't you just fucking proceed with your night?"

"Because I value my life," he replied, "And because I know that you have no idea where you're going."

His confident and arrogant smile and tone of voice made you even more irritated. All the built-up anger towards Hoseok that you have restrained moments ago was starting to slowly cook inside of you.

"Yes, I have," you bickered and continued your march towards the unknown destination.

"Mind telling me where then?"


You answered back just to get rid of his arrogant presence. 

"Your home is on the other side of the city," he provoked.

"I don't care," you fumed. 

"Just make this easy for both of us and let me drive you back," he was leisurely walking, unlike your fast and furious loud steps. But thanks to his long legs there was no problem for him to keep up with you.

He was just a step behind you.

"No," you said sternly and turned around to face him. The brewing pot of anger inside of your tummy started to boil. You were ready to throw fists.

You started at his deep dark eyes with your fiery gaze. 

"Ah... Don't think I'll be nice to you just because of your last name," he rolled his eyes and the next thing you knew was him grabbing you and putting you over his shoulder.

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