My Best Friend the Traitor

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When I arrived, I knew it was her. She had something clutched in her hand, so I reached over to see what it was. I nearly jumped back in surprise when her eyes snapped open, and a kunia appeared in her hand.

I simply knocked the kunai out of her hand, and forced her to her feet. "Are you Ida Ayumi?" I asked.

"Yeah." She answered, "And you can't prove anything. It was the water sprites I swear!"

I released her, and looked at her questioning through my mask, "What?"

"Nothing! Just sleep talk." She shrugged. I stared at her some more through my mask. I nearly gasped when I realized why she looked familiar. This was the girl who freaked me out with the weird talking a few days ago. I chuckle escaped my lips.

"I remember you." I said before I could stop myself.

"I remember you, too." She gasped, back away from me.

"How?" I questioned.

"You're the rabbit that always tries to steal my breakfast ceral!" She shouted, pointing an accusing finger at me.

"No." I said calmly, and removed my mask.

"Oh its you." She laughed.

"I need to get back to my mission." I said, turning serious.

"Yeah I do to. Can you help me get out of here?" She asked.

"What mission?" I asked.

"I need to go find my friend." She sighed, moving past me.

"Sasuke Uchiha?" I asked, sliding my mask back on.

"Yeah. You already know-"

"That you ran a way? Yes." I confirmed.


"I'm here to give you information on where he went." I announced.

"Then spill Jacob!" She shouted.


"Just tell me what I need to know." I sighed.

"Right." And then I went into a lengthy explanation of where he went. After I gave Ida directions and lead her back to the crowed village streets. She went off, running as fast as her feet would carry her. I face palmed when I knew I forgot something. "Ida wait!"

She stopped dead in her tracks and turned around. I ran up to her. "These are flares. If you need help just set one off, and we'll send help as soon as possible with medical ninja. I can only give you two though." I explained.

"Okay." She said, and grabbed them. "Thanks!" She called over her shoulder, and continued to run.

Ida's POV


Jacob the Guy in the Bunny Mask was a pretty helpful guy. He over explained things, and had a long name, but he got me where I needed to be. I know had a good idea of how to get to Sasuke, and I could run to get him back.

Running against the wind, I could hardly feel the tree branches whipping back and scratching my arms. There was so much going through my head. Jacob told me that other genin went after Sasuke before me. I hoped they were all okay.

My reassurance of them being okay was ruined when I saw this huge rock and carter. And I skinny Chojo lying face down on the ground. "Choji!" I shouted, and jumped down from my branch.

He didn't move, but when I ran over to him I could see a small rise and fall of his chest. Choji was still alive, but I didn't know for how much longer her would be. Jacob did say that if I let one of these flares go up that medical ninja would come. So I reached into my pouch and grabbed the flare. I set it off. I watched the red streak sream up into the air.

The Leaf?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ